The HijabiBengaliSisters have made a video called ‘I Hate the Hijab!’ where they respond to reasons given for not wearing the veil. Of course they go out of their way to say that their aim is not to put pressure on unveiled ‘sisters’ but they merely want to help Muslim (and non-Muslim) women dress more modestly. They only want the best for us – that we go to heaven, insh’allah.
No pressure, though, just a few verses from the Koran compelling women to veil and be modest and a reminder that whilst the hijab feels hot, hell is a lot hotter.
Of course, knife-wielding, acid-throwing, honour-killing Islamists have been photoshopped out and there are nothing but smiling hijabis everywhere you look.
Seriously, if this doesn’t get you to wear the hijab, nothing will.
And yet again, thanks but no thanks.
By the way, I hate the damn thing too. And I’m not joking.
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