Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

The lives of thousands of people in Iraqi Kurdistan are in danger

189356_newsdetailStatement by the Worker-communist Party of Iran

Following the atrocities of the barbaric Islamic terrorist group ISIS in Iraq, thousands of people have fled to the mountains from fear of this group, and are in danger of dying.

In the past five days, areas to the east of Mosul, including the town of Shangal, have been captured by ISIS. Hundreds of people in these areas, including 17 girl students, have reportedly been executed for belonging to the Yazidi religion. Over 200,000 have been displaced, of which around 50,000 have taken refuge on the mountains near Shangal.

These people are now under the siege of ISIS forces.

Since June this year, after several years of fighting the Islamic Maliki government, ISIS has succeeded in capturing a number of areas in five central provinces of Iraq. In the past two months, it has murdered thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands have been displaced from fear of these Islamic savages.

According to the latest reports, many people on the mountaintops have already perished from lack of water and food. The rest, if they receive no help, are also in danger of certain death. This is genocide. Those trying to come down from the mountains to save themselves are being executed by ISIS. ISIS has blocked all the escape routes, which means that tens of thousands of people, stranded in 45-degree Celsius heat and without water or food, have little chance of survival. The world states and international bodies have done nothing so far. If no help arrives immediately, these people will certainly perish.

We cannot and must not wait for the next few days, which will undoubtedly bring human catastrophes of far greater proportions. We must act immediately. We must put the world states and international bodies under pressure to bring food and water to these people immediately.

The civilised people of the world must come out in support of the people of these war-ravaged areas. The people in Iran, and in particular in Iranian Kurdistan, must come out in support of the people of Iraq and Syria, who have been terrorised by ISIS and other Islamic and reactionary forces and by murderous states.

The Worker-communist Party of Iran supports the struggle of the people of Iraq and Syria for liberation from the hands of ISIS and all the reactionaries and criminal states in these countries.

Worker-communist Party of Iran
7 August 2014


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