The Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar is coming along beautifully. It will be published here on 8 March, International Women’s Day. If you are submitting a photo, it has to be in no later than tomorrow morning.

This is your last chance to submit one.

By the way, thanks to all those who have submitted photos – many of them are so beautiful.

The calendar will be of women only given that submissions from men were (very) below standard. Take a wild guess why?!



  1. Here is My View….Fully Support Yasmine…Thumbs Up Sweet Soul(Yasmine):

    Yasmine Nagaty:
    Of the many interesting events of this month was the “nude revolutionary” Aliaa Magda El-Mahdi. For those of you who have not heard about her, she is the 20-year-old ex-student of AUC who posted nude pictures of herself on her blog. Within a few weeks, she had climbed to the forefront of Egyptian public opinion, inspiring endless debates about “freedom” and self-expression.

    The day I heard of these pictures, I recall posting a status on facebook which said that unless you’re a girl who is willing pose naked for the internet or you’re a guy who is okay with a female relative of yours doing that, then do not bother to defend Aliaa El-Mahdi. That pretty much sums my opinion of the entire issue. I happen to believe in the non-naked kind of freedom.

    However, another facebook post awoke my conscious in a different direction. Several people I knew had posted statuses and links denouncing SCAF’s virginity testing of girls in Tahrir. One particular post had explicitly made the comparison between Aliaa El-Mahdi’s decision to undress and post pictures of herself while another figure, Samira Ibrahim, was forced to undress for a virginity test.

    According to this post, it is ironic how much attention Aliaa received for her actions and how little Samira Ibrahim received after filing a case against SCAF. Apparently, voluntarily posing nude was a much worse crime than forcing a woman to do so.

    Aliaa’s pictures took public opinion by storm, and for good reason. Anyone familiar with the religious and cultural norms in Egypt would not contest this issue.

    However, why is it that when a woman is forced to undress for a virginity test no one dares to invoke an argument based on culture and religion? Because as it happens, our culture does implicitly advocate the kind of attitude behind virginity testing.

    Again, anyone familiar with the norms of this region would not be surprised at how much emphasis there is on the chastity of women. That does not mean however, that it ought to be normal to subject anyone to virginity testing. I can think of no religious principle, Muslim or Christian, that advocates this blatant infringement on an individual’s rights.

    Yes, women’s chastity has always been an Arab obsession, yet we should not allow this fixation to reach to the point where forced virginity testing turns into a custom.

    In the same measure that we argue for respect of culture and religion in opposition to Aliaa El-Mahdi’s nude pictures, we ought to stress that such religion does not advocate the violation of our rights in the form of virginity testing.

    “Culture” is a very broad conception of endless amounts of practices. For this term to encompass a practice like forced virginity testing not only turns our moral compass south but also makes us what I like to call a society of hypocrites.

    If virginity testing ought to be a normal practice, so too should posting nude pictures online. Although both practices appear to be fundamental opposites, they achieve the same end: a false twisting of our religion and culture in Egypt

  2. Since there seems to be some strong feelings emerging in respect of male nudity – not only in condemning the inappropriate photo offers made previously, but also the expressions of interest to realise something that is actually tasteful.

    Perhaps it might be possible to revive male nudity as a separate calendar altogether? Any thoughts?

    While I’m no oil painting myself, I am still most happy to pose naked for the cause, and with some sort of Islamic props if deemed suitable. How would it look to pose naked in front of a mosque? Apart from being a foolishly dangerous act, of course – Photoshop could help solve the safety aspects. Maybe just Islamic headwear would suffice.

    1. I can’t even begin to think of another calender until I get this one out though I would have really liked to have some decent male photos but nontheless the calendar is going to be fantastic. I can’t wait for everyone to see it.

  3. “naked
    this is me
    unclothed undressed
    under the light of all the gods you dare imagine
    waiting to be touched with as many versions of the truth as you can conjure up in your turned off mind
    this is me
    give me your theory
    give me your opinion
    give me your truth
    give me your big fat holy book
    let me know exactly what tried and tested faith keeps you asleep
    this is me
    hungry for the prize that’s forbidden”

    “I wanna kill educated ignorance
    this is me naked revolting in front of you
    i am not much but I give a damn
    lovers look at me
    haters look at me
    as I exhibit my love and my fury on this desperate stage
    this is me
    this is me
    this is me, naked”

    I have liberated the above quotes from a much longer beat poem “Naked” by Benjamin Zephaniah
    I put it here to illuminate a more enlightened male attitude to nakedness
    For that reason and as it is just excerpts there should be no copyright issues

    Surely these quotes are a much better fit for natural bodies than certain prescribed religious bedrapings disguises and silly hats

  4. I am so desperately and sadly disappointed. Once again it shows that it is the women who have the real courage and intelligence.

    I knew exactly the type of picture I wanted to submit and I wanted it to be high quality, properly lit, staged and posed and to be a manifestation of the serious political message I wanted to give. Sadly, despite my best endeavours – and believe me, I did try – I was unable to find a single photographer who would be willing to risk the anti-pornography laws here in Indonesia.

    To be frank, this sickens me.

  5. I’m very disappointed there will be no males. I was looking forward to seeing some sexy nude philospher/scientist/geek dudes. Maybe I should have sent one of myself in, but my mum would have killed me if she found out!

      1. The scary thing is that my mother might actually want to do it! Despite being raised in a very conservative time and place (she was born in Malaysia in 1960) she’s always had a surprisingly rebellious and cheeky streak. She used to tell me about all the movie stars she liked and the lecturers she had crushes on, and she used to say I had a sexy bum and stuff, which messed me up for life. Also her old room in my grandmother’s house is full of sultry Mills and Boon novels. So I’m definitely NOT going to ask her.

  6. While I can’t say I’m terribly surprised. I do find it sad that my entire gender couldn’t manage a few pics of quality.

  7. In a way it’s a great pity that this has turned into a women only thing, as the sight of naked men has an equally disquieting effect on pious members of the (male dominated) clergy in all of the Abrahamic religions. Possibly even more so than women.

    It is a pity too in that I would have gladly contributed a nice photo of myself naked – and not behaving in a lewd or crude manner, either. My gender are certainly capable of making an “arse” of themselves sometimes.

    One day when religions no longer hold sway and puritanical dogmas are stripped away, the unadorned human body (either gender) will cease to be illegal, and eventually may even be become admired in its own right – as it should be.

  8. If anyone* needs my expert opinion on their photo before formally submitting it, it’s absolutely no problem to email it to me first (contact details on my website).

    * by which I mean women!

      1. Yes it is the place!

        Even serious topics benefit from humour. They especially benefit, in fact.

        If I want to watch what I have to say I can always get the bus to Finsbury Park mosque.

        1. I agree with Re-Enlightenment. A little humour keeps morale and momentum alive.

          Although it is a shame men who submitted pics let the project down with their nonsense.

        1. Agree with Snap or Martyn?

          Inappropriate to make a joke, or inappropriate to criticise a joke?

          Nudity is inherently funny (well, to an immature former public schoolboy like myself it is).

          It’s impossible not to make jokes when the subject is fanoirs, bums, willies etc.

  9. Ummm- is it because the only men who did submit were doing it to get their wilkins out for cheap thrills?

    i.e. mildly overweight, visibly sweaty members on display in a low-res webcam photo, tastefully set in their rank apartment?

    No really, I honestly donno. As a heterosexual man that’s the closest reason I can think of! I think I’m missing something-?

    1. ‘i.e. mildly overweight, visibly sweaty members on display in a low-res webcam photo, tastefully set in their rank apartment?’

      I shall never be at peace again. Thanks.

  10. Err, men covered up their ‘sensitives’ giving the allusion of nudity but not being quite so, or men sent in naughty web cam pics?

    Come on Maryam, you’re holding out on us. Please tell us why the submissions from men are below standard.

    I’m no good at guessing games. lol.

  11. Errr… men are too shy to show their bodies? Or didn’t shower properly first? Or tried to make themselves look like porn stars?…

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