I am off to Paris to join a FEMEN public collective action in support of women’s rights activists of the spring revolutions in Arab countries.
FEMEN are the topless activists who also did an action in support of Iran stoning case Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani a while back. One of their activists, Alena Magelat, joined the Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar.
Because of the importance of nudity in the fight against misogyny, FEMEN sections are opening in various countries.
Saturday’s action is the launch of FEMEN Paris.
The action will take place on 31 March 2012 at 2pm at 144 Rue Quicampoix / Paris / Galerie du Jour.
For more information, contact: femen.fr@gmail.com or see their Facebook page.
Apparently, it will begin with women wearing burkas…
Do join in the action if you are around on the day.
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