Tony writes on the One Law for All website: This group should join forces with the English Defence League and help them in their fight against Islamic extremism and Shariah law in the UK.

Maryam Namazie responds: One Law for All will never ever join forces with the English Defence League. As I have said before, the far-right’s version of Britain is not very different from the Islamists’ one and we won’t stand for either.

I know the EDL tries to hide its true intentions – sort of like the BNP claiming not to be racist in order to join the mainstream. But even without a mission statement on its website and with a disclaimer on its forum, it isn’t hard to see that the EDL is a racist organisation.

First off, just their name makes me shudder. English Defence League reveals nationalism, exclusivity, segregation… I think it is very clear who they are – and are not – including in their version of ‘English.’

And it is also clear who they are from the hooligans and thugs who join their rallies. The EDL says it can’t be blamed for those it attracts but of course it can and it must. Send out right-wing messages of nationalism and ‘England for the English’ and you will get the racists and fascists doing Nazi salutes and demonising those perceived to be different.

And it is also clear who they are from their tactics, one of which is organising demonstrations in front of mosques and terrorising people passing by or entering. Look, if you are concerned about the political Islamic movement and mosques being funded by Islamic states to promotes Islamism, then by all means demonstrate but why not do it at the Qatar embassy (if you are concerned about the Burnley mosque for example) or for that matter Jack Straw’s office (who is thought to be responsible for the Emir of Qatar’s £1.5 million gift to the mosque). Yes I am opposed to faith schools but I wouldn’t stand with a group that brings out thugs in front of an Islamic school and threatens children going in who are sent their by their parents…

How you show your opposition is just as important as what you oppose – if not more.

Clearly, being opposed to Sharia is not nearly enough if it isn’t done within a framework of defending the rights of all and not just the ‘English.’


  1. "And it is also clear who they are from their tactics, one of which is organising demonstrations in front of mosques and terrorising people passing by or entering."

    This sure sounds hysterical and said without much research into that organization. I can read something saying "Workers Communist Party of Iran" and feel my skin crawl when thinking of how wrong the Iranian Left was about Khoumeini and how some people I knew were dumb enough to go back to Iran and try a leftist revolution against the mullahs. What a shame.

  2. I know what let's do. Let us all wait comfortably at home until the perfect group appears. One where 100% of the members all represent Jeffersonian liberalism at its apex. One where all the members are post doctoral graduates of universities. Before post modernism of course, or they would be on the Muslim's side. But wait, then they would be too old and probably mostly white and English so that would look racist. Well never mind we will know the perfect group to support when we see them. In the meantime, don't let anyone see you buying any ham and ladies, make sure if you go out at night you have your husband, brother or father with you to protect you since the British are above personal weapons and maybe take some classes in Koran.
    Good luck to you all.

  3. Crap wrote [quote]You'll have nothing to do with the EDL for the simple reason you are a communist/Islamist supporter and don't really care about liberties or "human rights" [/quote]

    Having spent a few weeks on the EDL forum I was a bit suprised as how ignorant and ill-informed some people really are.The English "education" system has a lot to answer for.The EDL is basically a bunch of football thugs who have been brainwashed by the gutter press and are now being used by people who have a far right agenda.

  4. Political Islam was formed as a counter to Marxism. Look at Afghanistan, Egypt against Nasser, Algeria, Pakistan etc. The Fundamentalists can't be defeated, until capitalism is gone.

    Maryam is correct. No alliances with racists.

    Some on the left lost their political compass, after the fall of the USSR. Maryam is not one.

  5. You'll have nothing to do with the EDL for the simple reason you are a communist/Islamist supporter and don't really care about liberties or "human rights".

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