I’ll be at the following places this month:

Tomorrow 3 November 2012, I’ll be attending and speaking at One Law for All’s Passion for Freedom Art Festival private view from 6.30-9.30pm. More details here.

During 8-11 November 2012 I will be speaking at the Jersey Human Rights Festival on the human rights situation in Iran, censorship and Sharia law. More details here.

On 17 November 2012 I’ll be attending a private luncheon to celebrate the CEMB forum‘s 5th anniversary.

During 30 November – 2 December 2012 I will be speaking at a two-day symposium organised by the Institute of Humanist Studies entitled ‘Does theism have an impact on public policy and, if it does, what is it and how should humanists respond to this situation?’ held on the Rice University campus in Houston, Texas.

In between I have decided I will be learning how to drive – I’ve given myself from now until end December to do it so better stay off the roads if you can…


  1. i decide to drive my car around the europe for have more supporters for your campaign,i really believe in all u do

  2. Good luck with the driving Maryam!

    I have given myself from now until January to pass my compulsory basic motorcycle training. Can’t wait to hit the roads 🙂

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