Women Against Taliban, Frauen gegen Taliban, Hpd, 25 August 2021

With the takeover by the Taliban in Afghanistan, people around the world are fearing that the Taliban’s first victims will be millions of women.

Only a few days has passed since the takeover by this reactionary force, and the Taliban leaders are already talking about ordering young girls into forced marriages, imprisoning women in their homes and imposing compulsory hijab and Islamic laws; and, wherever they have been able to, they have started attacking women and girls.

We are not only deeply concerned about the safety, right to life and human dignity of the women in Afghanistan, but also consider it our duty to take action against this reactionary force and not leave the women of Afghanistan on their own.

We, the undersigned, are committed to:

1- Helping those women in Afghanistan, whose lives are in danger due to their activities, to be moved to a safe country;

2- Putting pressure on the Western governments and all governments not to recognise the Taliban. The Taliban are not the government of the people of Afghanistan; they are the enemies and murderers of women and all the people; they are the enemies of civilisation and a civilised society;

3- Organising a world network of opposition to the Taliban and making the voices of the women of Afghanistan heard by the people of the world;

4- Making sure the Taliban do not dare to implement their misogynistic and murderous laws against women;

5- Raising public awareness about the situation of women in Afghanistan and exposing any attacks on them through meetings and protests around the world, and organising a camp of progressive people against it;

6- Inviting all women’s rights organisations and activists and all human rights defenders in Afghanistan and the world to join us in organising a united rank against the Taliban and in defence of the women and people of Afghanistan.

Signatories, in Alphabetical order: • Najia Afshari – Women’s rights activist, lawyer, activist of the Committee to Support Refugees in Afghanistan (Kufa), Germany • Mina Ahadi – Political and women’s rights activist, Germany • Fereshteh Akbari – Women’s rights activist, Kabul, Afghanistan • Tania Akefi – Poet, author, women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Holland • Shahla Amou – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Germany • Maryam Ataiee – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in the UK • Shikiba Babori – Kalima-News • Mohammad Badr – Social activist, orthopaedic doctor, Afghanistan • Siamak Bahari – Political activist, TV host for the programme “Baa Ham”, with a focus on Afghanistan • Halina Bendkowski – Publicist, feminist, initiator of the concept ‘gender democracy’, Berlin, Germany • Naïla Chikhi – Women’s rights activist, Algeria, resident in Germany • Farzaneh Ehsas – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Sweden • Soor Esrafil – Poet, author, women’s rights activist, Germany • Zahra Fayyazi – Women’s rights activist, coach for Afghanistan’s National Volleyball Team • Jalileh Golestani – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in the USA • Mojahedeh Khajezadeh – Women’s rights activist and photographer, Afghanistan, resident in Germany • Atieh Mehraban – Women’s rights activist, Kabul, Afghanistan • Abolfazl Mohagheghi – Author and social activist, Malmö, Sweden • Zahra Mousavi – Women’s rights activist, Germany • Maryam Namazie – Political and women’s rights activist, UK • Manizha Naderi – Women’s rights activist, director of Shahmama Publishing, Germany • Shirin Naziri – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan • Navid Pooya – Political activist, Pakistan • Hourvash Pourkian – Head of International Women in Power (IWP), Germany • Farahrooz Ranjbar – Women’s rights activist, Malmö, Sweden • Vida Sagheri – Women’s rights activist, Kabul, Afghanistan • Shamleh Sarabi – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Germany • Rebecca Schönenbach – Association Women for Freedom, Germany • Tamanna Shafigh – Lawyer (International Law), women’s rights activist, Tajikistan • Donya Shah – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Sweden • Maryam Shahi – Women’s rights activist, managing editor of Nimrokh weekly, Afghanistan • Shirin Shams – Women’s rights activist, head of Women’s Revolution organisation, Sweden • Amilia Spartak – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Germany • Javad Tayyeb – Political activist, editor of Protest (“Eteraaz”) magazine, Afghanistan • Rahimeh Vaalna – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Germany • Hannah Wettig – Journalist, publicist, Germany • Zarrineh Zaabol – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan

More signatories to follow.

For further info and to add your signature, contact: Mina Ahadi minaahadi26@gmail.com 0049 1775692413 Siamak Bahari siabahari@gmail.com 0046 739868051 W

Nachdem die Taliban die Macht in Afghanistan übernommen haben, sorgt man sich um die Frauen im Land. Die internationale Initiative “Women against Taliban”, die auch vom Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime in Deutschland unterstützt wird, ruft deshalb zur Hilfe für Frauen in Afghanistan auf.

Nach der Machtübernahme durch die Taliban in Afghanistan befürchten Menschen in aller Welt, dass die ersten Opfer der Taliban Millionen von Frauen sein werden.

Es sind erst wenige Tage seit der Machtübernahme durch diese reaktionäre Kraft vergangen und die Taliban-Führer sprechen bereits davon, junge Mädchen zwangszuverheiraten, Frauen in ihren Häusern einzusperren und den obligatorischen Hidschab und islamische Gesetze einzuführen; und überall, wo es ihnen möglich war, haben sie mit Angriffen auf Frauen und Mädchen begonnen.

Wir sind nicht nur zutiefst besorgt um die Sicherheit, das Recht auf Leben und die Menschenwürde der Frauen in Afghanistan, sondern sehen es auch als unsere Pflicht an, gegen diese reaktionäre Kraft vorzugehen und die Frauen Afghanistans nicht allein zu lassen.

Wir, die Unterzeichnenden, sind bestrebt…

  • den Frauen in Afghanistan, deren Leben durch die Aktivitäten der Taliban in Gefahr ist, zu helfen, in ein sicheres Land gebracht zu werden
  • Druck auf die westlichen Regierungen und alle Regierungen auszuüben, die Taliban nicht anzuerkennen. Die Taliban sind nicht die Regierung des afghanischen Volkes; sie sind die Feinde und Mörder der Frauen und des gesamten Volkes; sie sind die Feinde der Zivilisation und einer zivilisierten Gesellschaft
  • ein weltweites Netzwerk des Widerstands gegen die Taliban zu organisieren und den Stimmen der Frauen Afghanistans bei den Menschen in der Welt Gehör zu verschaffen
  • sicherzustellen, dass die Taliban es nicht wagen, ihre frauenfeindlichen und mörderischen Gesetze gegen Frauen anzuwenden
  • die Öffentlichkeit für die Situation der Frauen in Afghanistan zu sensibilisieren und alle Angriffe auf sie durch Treffen und Proteste in der ganzen Welt aufzudecken sowie ein Camp fortschrittlicher Menschen dagegen zu organisieren
  • alle Frauenrechtsorganisationen und -aktivisten und alle Menschenrechtsverteidiger in Afghanistan und der Welt einzuladen, sich uns anzuschließen, um ein geschlossenes Auftreten gegen die Taliban und zur Verteidigung der Frauen und des Volkes von Afghanistan zu organisieren.

Unterzeichner in alphabetischer Reihenfolge:

Najia Afshari – Women’s rights activist, lawyer, activist of the Committee to Support Refugees in Afghanistan (Kufa), Germany

Mina Ahadi – Political and women’s rights activist, Germany

Nariman Andresen – Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime

Fereshteh Akbari – Women’s rights activist, Kabul, Afghanistan

Tania Akefi – Poet, author, women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Holland

Shahla Amou – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Germany

Bettina Aptheker – Distinguished Professor Emerita, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

Homa Arjomand – Coordinator of the International Campaign against Sharia Court in Canada and Campaign to Open Borders for Afghan Women and Children Fleeing Taliban

Maryam Ataiee – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in the UK

Shikiba Babori – Kalima-News

Mohammad Badr – Social activist, orthopaedic doctor, Afghanistan

Siamak Bahari – Political activist, TV host for the programme “Baa Ham”, with a focus on Afghanistan

Halina Bendkowski – Publicist, feminist, initiator of the concept “gender democracy”, Berlin, Germany

Katrin Bornmüller – Honorary Chairwoman of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), German Section

Ilona Bubeck – Publisher and women’s rights activist, Germany

Naïla Chikhi – Women’s rights activist, Algeria, resident in Germany

Farzaneh Ehsas – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Sweden

Soor Esrafil – Poet, author, women’s rights activist, Germany

Zahra Fayyazi – Women’s rights activist, coach for Afghanistan’s National Volleyball Team

Ulrike Gleixner – Historian, Technical University Berlin, Centre for Women and Gender Studies (Zentrum für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung), Germany

Jalileh Golestani – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in the USA

Gunther Jikeli – Historian, USA

Mojahedeh Khajezadeh – Women’s rights activist and photographer, Afghanistan, resident in Germany

Ute Lefelmann-Petersen – M.A., intercultural trainer and coach, member of Terre des Femmes – human rights for women association, Germany

Bernhard Maron – Monschau, Germany

Atieh Mehraban – Women’s rights activist, Kabul, Afghanistan

Abolfazl Mohagheghi – Author and social activist, Malmö, Sweden

Zahra Mousavi – Women’s rights activist, Germany

Maryam Namazie – Political and women’s rights activist, UK

Manizha Naderi – Women’s rights activist, director of Shahmama Publishing, Germany

Taslima Nasrin – Author, secular humanist, women’s rights activist

Shirin Naziri – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan

Navid Pooya – Political activist, Pakistan

Hourvash Pourkian – Head of International Women in Power (IWP), Germany

Farahrooz Ranjbar – Women’s rights activist, Malmö, Sweden

Vida Sagheri – Women’s rights activist, Kabul, Afghanistan

Shamleh Sarabi – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Germany

Rebecca Schönenbach – Association Women for Freedom, Germany

Tamanna Shafigh – Lawyer (International Law), women’s rights activist, Tajikistan

Donya Shah – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Sweden

Maryam Shahi – Women’s rights activist, managing editor of Nimrokh weekly, Afghanistan

Shirin Shams – Women’s rights activist, head of Women’s Revolution organisation, Sweden

Amilia Spartak – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Germany

Javad Tayyeb – Political activist, editor of Protest (“Eteraaz”) magazine, Afghanistan

TERRE DES FEMMES – Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V. (Human Rights for Women association)

Rahimeh Vaalna – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan, resident in Germany

Zahra Tekin – Chartered Accountant, Iranian Community Network, UK

Hannah Wettig – Journalist, publicist, Germany

Zarrineh Zaabol – Women’s rights activist, Afghanistan

Letzte Aktualisierung am 23. August 2021. Weitere Unterzeichner werden folgen…

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