Someone recently emailed me an interview with Moroccan Islamist Nadia Yassine, published in Speigel online on July 3, entitled ‘our religion is friendly to women’.
Here are some recent examples of this ‘friendliness’:
- Ali Khamenei, the Islamic regime of Iran’s ‘supreme spiritual leader’ said women’s rights activists should not try to change Islamic laws relating to women’s rights, two days after one campaigner was sentenced to 34 months in jail and ten lashes.
- Saudi authorities ordered banks to separate female and male workers at their headquarters. Though women are already separated from male employees in branches, they have up to now worked together in bank headquarters. Under the new system, women employees in bank headquarters could now be obliged to work on separate floors and use different lifts, entrances and canteens from men.
- The Kuwaiti parliament passed a law banning women from working at night, except those in the medical profession, and barring them from jobs considered ‘immoral.’
- Two female journalists were murdered in Afghanistan in the space of a week. Both women received threats, warning them to stop reporting.
- The ‘Righteous Swords of Islam’ warned that it would strike the women in Palestine with “an iron fist and swords” for refusing to wear a veil on camera.
- A 13-year-old named Shukria and another girl were killed and 4 wounded at their school entrance as the Taleban and others use murder, shootings, beheadings, burnings and bombings to close down schools.
- Mokarrameh Ebrahimi is languishing in prison, awaiting death by stoning in Iran, after her partner was recently stoned for their relationship. They have both been in prison for 11 years, including with their two children.
- The Islamic regime of Iran has announced yet another “plan to increase security in society” by targeting women who are ‘badly veiled’.
Yes, very friendly indeed…
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