The Islamophobia watch police have been busy criticising French weekly Charlie Hebdo for poking fun at Mohammad, Islam’s prophet, rather than condemning the firebombing of its offices for daring to speak about Islam. The ‘offending’ cover had Mohammad saying ‘100 lashes if you don’t die laughing’. This they found completely inappropriate. However, around the same time, two Iranian footballers, face actual lashings for a buttock squeeze (see video below) and the Islamophobia watch police are predictably silent.

The ‘crime against chastity’ of the footballers you may ask? Persepolis defender Mohammed Nosrati squeezed teammate Sheis Rezaei’s bottom to celebrate a goal.

The punishment for this public display of ‘immorality’ is lashes and imprisonment; they have also been indefinitely suspended by the Football Association.

The ‘crime’ reminds me of sweet 16 Atefeh Rajabi who was hung in a city square for acts against chastity some years ago in Iran.

But forgive me, it is a cartoon that is offensive…



  1. Hi Maryam,

    Nicely pointed out.

    The unfortunate thing is this kind of punishment is pretty mild compared to those hunted down for homosexuality in Iran, Afghanistan….well Islamic states.


  2. While it is clear that the “butt squeeze” was unwanted from the “squeezee” in this video, isn’t that more a personal matter between the two individuals involved? The fact that it was caught on nationwide TV is an embarrassment for sure and in the psychopathy of the “religious police” (what would any of the “recognized religious prophets” think of that monstrous societal development I wonder), I can “understand” why this behavior would be seen as “necessary to punish”. Correct me if I am wrong here, but do we still live in the 7th century? Oh wait, there were no such laws then—guess religious “authorities” have progressed significantly over the last 14 centuries!

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