By the way, 85 women’s groups have released a statement supporting Canan Arın, advocate and founder of Mor Çatı who is currently being charged with “insulting” Mohammed and President Abdullah Gül.

During a conference on “Violence Against Women and Women Rights Law”, Arın mentioned that child marriages was a common practice in Turkey’s history mentioning the marriages of Prophet Mohammed and President Abdullah Gül.
A group of male advocates filed lawsuits against Arın for “insulting the islamic prophet”. She could face up to five years in prison.

Here are more details.

Also the Worker-communist Party of Iran’s plenum being held today sent a message to the magnificent protesting people of Turkey:



  1. Ahhhh…. Sounds like good ole USA, except it was Christianity you could put be put to death for “insulting” it.

  2. Here’s hoping the “Turkish Spring” produces more flowers & fewer thorns than its Arabic counterpart.

    1. The revolutions and uprisings need to be defended and supported. Secularists need to come forward and defend their springs in the region and not leave it to the Islamists to suppress and push back.

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