Have you seen the new Egyptian channel called Maria where women must all wear the niqab and full Islamic veil to work there?

An Islamic ‘scholar’ says this is a ‘victory for women’.


Is anyone else finding absurd the contradiction of hiding women away in a mobile prison and then putting them on television for all to see?

The ‘scholar’ may package it any way he wants but clearly this is another attempt in ensuring that women know their place in Egyptian society.

It’s the Islamists, however, that need to know their place – somewhere in the dustbins of history…


(Link via Dawood)



  1. Why go to these lengths to hide the women (they could easily be men under so many covers) from view?

    If they are that horrified of women on TV, why launch a teleVISION channel at all?

    They could save themselves the cameras and just have a radio station. Oh, I get it – they’re worried that male listeners will visualise the presenters as wearing normal clothes and not covered in black sacks. Naughty!

  2. If being a scholar means being able to spew out absurdities it tells us something about the value of the Koran and the Sunna these people spend so many years studying.

  3. So, the network was named after a slave given to Muhammad to be his wife to signify the freedom given to women who are allowed to follow the strict Islamic laws?

    Parsing error.

  4. Arab Spring, Arab Spring, did someone here order Arab spring?

    Good _grief_…

    It’s the Islamists, however, that need to know their place – somewhere in the dustbins of history…

    Ab-so-lutely. Could not agree more.

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