Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Actually it’s the same old same old

The Muslim Brotherhood has hailed Morsi’s narrow win of Egypt’s presidential election as the ‘start of a new era‘.

It’s actually same old same old.

Egyptians were given the [non] ‘choice’ between Mubarak’s former general and the Muslim Brotherhood, both of which were there to bring an end to the revolution that has changed much of the landscape of the region.

As journalist Amir Taheri has said: The ‘despotic-Islamist twins still enjoy immense tactical advantages. But most Egyptians have shed their fears of both.’

This is by no means the end of the revolution but what happens next is up to secularists and the working class in Egypt as well as the international solidarity we mobilise in their defence…




4 responses to “Actually it’s the same old same old”

  1. “……………..what happens next is up to secularists and the working class in Egypt as well as the international solidarity we mobilize ……………………….”.

    The working class is no where in the picture. It is up to the middle class to find a rational approach to the problems caused by the Muslim Brotherhood as well as the degenerated erstwhile militarist reactionaries. The communist Parties every where despise the middle class as petite bourgeoisie and tread a sectarian path.In the Jasmine revolution we have seen the despicable state of communist theory that makes them incapable of intervention let alone leadership.

  2. The first revolution was against military rule. The Muslim Brotherhood were nominal allies. The election confirmed the rejection of the military. But the Brotherhood took the presidency. Good odds, no matter what friendly noises they have made in the past, they slide into a Islamic extremism.

    The second revolution will be to kick out the fundamentalists. The only question is how much resistance the Brotherhood will put up. If the Brotherhood is allowed to consolidate power it will use it to reinforce its position. After consolidation the longer the Brotherhood stays in the the harder it will be to remove them.

  3. Whenever there is a power vacuum, whoever steps into the space becomes the leader. The most dangerous time for a revolution is when it has nearly succeeded as that is when power vacuums are most likely to occur. Also outside forces tend to be suspicious of revolutionaries even if they are fundamentally in agreement with their aims. In international relations, the mantra seems to be “better the devil you know.”

    1. sailor1031 Avatar

      There is not, and has not been, a power vacuum in Egypt. As events unfold in a scripted-for-entertainment kind of way it is still the top brass of the armed forces who are in control – as they were before this so-called revolution began. Nothing happens without their consent.

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