Al Jazeera’s social media-driven show, The Stream, will be speaking with Richard Dawkins on atheism, religion and culture tonight. It goes live at 19:30 GMT (8:30 p.m. in London). I’ll be participating in a Google+ Hangout panel which can ask Dawkins questions and make comments.

I’ve never used Google+ before but hopefully I’ll be able to join without a hitch.

You can join in the discussions via Twitter #AJStream.



  1. RD was correct, it is all about education and critical thinking. And that is why they are afraid of us.

    Great show, and if I may say you all look good and professional. Pity about some of the tweets, I guess more education is needed.

    (so religious fundies are caused by militant secularism, who know?)

  2. I’ve been trying to find a video of this stream, but the Al-Jazeera website doesn’t have it! Can someone please link me to the video?

  3. I watched the show, and was impressed by most of it.

    There was one guy who didn’t quite get it, but generally the whole panel were pretty good, Dawkins was as good as he ever is, your little spot was good, too, but I think Richard to some degree missed the point.

    The most impressive thing to me though was that Aljezeera addressed such a controversial subject with such a good panel, and allowed the panel to make their points much better than I think the BBC would have done so, leave alone Fox and its ilk.

    I also gave a plug to the show at the discussion board I co-founded, before it started.

    I wonder if anyone watched it, and, if so, what they made of it.

    Off to check after hitting the submit button here.

    David B

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