As you know, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain is celebrating its 5th anniversary on 23 June. We’re asking people to attend the fundraiser luncheon if they can, donate, and send messages of support to mark our birthday. Here are some messages we have already received. Add your below or email it to us at maryamnamazie[@]gmail[dot]com.

To become an “Ex” of any religion needs intelligence and education. To become an Ex-Muslim needs courage as well. Maryam Namazie has the additional ability to inspire others to follow her admirable example. Many congratulations on the fifth anniversary of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain.
Richard Dawkins FRS, University of Oxford

The Council of Ex-Muslims performs a vitally important service to the cause of liberty of conscience and all the human rights involved with it. I applaud it’s courage, humanity, determination and persistence.
A C Grayling, philosopher, UK

Congratulations to the Council of Ex-Muslims on your fifth anniversary. You have defied threats and intimidation to stand up for the freedom of all to think and believe as they wish. These are easy principles for we humanists to uphold, but ex-Muslims take their life in their hands when they proclaim themselves non-believers. Maryam Namazie herself deserves special praise for her bravery.
Polly Toynbee, President, British Humanist Association

Dearest Maryam, congratulations on the survival and continuing growth of the Council of Ex-Muslims. It’s a desperately needed group and community for people who want to escape one of the most binding and demanding communities that humans have ever created. From a community where the punishment for leaving is death to one where there is no punishment – what a hopeful inspiring journey for anyone, and how wonderful that it has achieved five years of existence.
Ophelia Benson, Author, USA

On behalf of the Token Skeptic podcast, I congratulate The Council of Ex-Muslims for their continued bravery and efforts in the face of enormous challenges. As an educator and friend of former Islamic students, I am proud to hear of your fifth birthday and know that there are many Australians who wish you the very best.
Kylie Sturgess
Token Skeptic podcast

Good luck with your celebrations of the 5th anniversary of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain on Saturday 23 June 2012.
Public awareness of the CEMB is growing which is encouraging for all. Please keep up the good work.
Dave, Kingston upon Thames

The Council of Ex-Muslims are brave and wonderful people. I can’t think of a more worthwhile secular organization.
Very best to all
Stephen Law, Centre for Inquiry UK

Dear Maryam
On behalf of the Committee and members of the Central London Humanist Group, I would like to congratulate your Council on reaching its 5th anniversary. We admire the courage and determination shown by yourself and all of your colleagues and you can be assured that we will continue to give you our wholehearted support. I hope that a number of us will be able to join you at your celebratory lunch on Saturday 23rd June.
Very best wishes
Alan Palmer, Chair, Central London Humanist Group

Hi Maryam,
All the very best with your celebrations. The world desperately needs more wonderful people like you 🙂
Highest regards,
Joe Lane, Australia

I have to say I have nothing but admiration for your organisation. You and your associates, members and supporters are seriously sticking your heads above the parapet in opposing Muslim ideals.
As an atheist, I regard all organised religions with a large degree of scepticism. But in the area of sexual politics the male dominated Islamic tradition is most insidious. I really struggle with the notion of some (comparatively) free western women finding this way of life attractive. But what do I know?
Best Regards
Ken Ward

Congratulations Maryam.
I live in USA and will not be able to attend but my spirit will be with you. Recently I have read the book Why I am not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq. This is an excellent source for accurate knowledge about Islam. After reading it I understand why you celebrate being Ex-Muslim.
Best wishes,
Janusz Kowalik, Prof of Computer Science in Poland

I send my congratulations to the Council of Ex-Muslims on reaching their fifth anniversary — to all the members and founders but of course especially to Maryam who had the vision to bring to reality this concept which I wouldn’t have thought actually possible! I just regret that I can’t become an ex-Muslim myself (other than in the view of the Dawah people who told me I was born a Muslim already).
Robin P Clarke, UK

I am too far away to come, but I wish you a good success.
Adolf Breitmeier, Germany

I feel that most people, brought up in a family and culture with a religion, need support from others when they change their beliefs and leave.
Brought up myself in a family and education dominated by the Church of England (Christian group), it took me a long time to clear my mind of the ideas which were instilled in me. Only when my mother died did I feel free to become an ardent atheist.
Your work is very important.
Mike Maybury, Portsmouth

I hope you all have a wonderful day, you deserve it. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it as I don’t get back to London until the 28th June.
Keep up the good work. And keep spreading the word.
Best, Paul


By the way, I am blogging every half an hour as part of the Secular Student Alliance Blogathan. Donate and support the SSA if you can. Any amount helps and it is important to have the voice of secularists heard loud and clear.



  1. Those who are against God and Islam will soon bite their fingers when they will see the God fire .
    Who do not know that God created every thing realy deserve this fire.

  2. Many happy returns! I’m stuck in the US, but I’ll be raising a glass to you. Thank you for all the good you do!

  3. Best wishes for the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s 5th birthday. I admire your courage, Maryam, and the courage of the many others who openly declare themselves to be ex-muslims.

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