Do you remember the ten cases I highlighted to mark the 14 March International Day of Action to Defend Blasphemers and Apostates? One of them was that of the famous Egyptian comedian, Adel Imam.

Well a court has upheld his conviction for ‘offending Islam’.

There’s much that I can say about this but I’ll let author Alaa al-Aswany do the talking.

He says: the court ruling sets Egypt back to the “darkness of the Middle Ages” and that this is “an unimaginable crime of principle”.

How very true.



  1. From this article in The Guardian,
    click here

    “The case was brought by Asran Mansour, a lawyer with ties to Islamist groups, judicial sources said. The sentence on Thursday came weeks after Islamists won most seats in a parliamentary election.

    Mansour accused the actor of offending Islam and its symbols, including beards and the jilbab”.

    Making fun of beards and clothes??

  2. Egypt is set to be consumed by the Cult of islam. They will enjoy oppression, repression, misogyny, barbarism, murder and povery. It might last for centuries.

    Decent people, get out now. Mubarak had the last laugh.

    1. Seems like they’re making victims pretty efficiently, just not the ones the… “crime” is directed at

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