Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

And so it should

Chris Moos and Abishek Phandis write:

We are delighted to learn that LSE has issued an unconditional apology for the appalling actions of its staff, which led to us being intimidated and harassed in a manner that does not behove a university. We welcome the LSE’s admission that its staff gravely misjudged the situation, and their acknowledgement that we were well within our rights to wear ‘Jesus & Mo’ t-shirts on campus and that this neither amounted to harassment nor contravened the law or LSE policies. Even though it caused us great distress to be publicly harassed and humiliated by LSE and LSE Students’ Union (LSESU) staff, LSE’s response vindicates our decision to stand up for our rights. Given that the LSESU officials were the ones who started the chain of harassment, it is of particular importance to us that the LSE has pledged to retrain LSESU officials and further work with the LSESU to improve their handling of such straightforward situations and events in the future, particularly where issues of freedom of expression are concerned.

Here’s LSE’s statement of apology.

And so it should.

Here’s a photo of me wearing their Jesus and Mo t-shirt to a debate on banning the burqa at LSE after the scandal taken for Vice:

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4 responses to “And so it should”

  1. acted in good faith

    Is executive-speak for “fumbled around stupidly” – I have put that in several apologies before.

  2. Well done! I am so happy that those blockheads of the LSE had to give in to all the people insisting on rationalism and personal liberty! 🙂

  3. Shatterface Avatar

    A bit weasely as apologies go:

    Professor Calhoun has also acknowledged the difficulties faced by staff dealing with the matter on the day: “Members of staff acted in good faith and sought to manage the competing interests of complainant students and yourselves in a way that they considered to be in the best interests of all parties on the days in question.”

    They weren’t ‘managing competing interests’, they were crushing one set of interests in favour of another.

    And this:

    The School recognises that this apology will occasion debate and discussion. LSE and the LSE SU have already put on record concern over the nature of some of the social media debate on this matter in the past, which has been highly personalised. It is hoped that this will not be repeated. LSE takes its duty to promote free speech very seriously, and as such, will discuss and learn from the issues raised by recent events.

    Kinda makes it look like they’re suggesting the responses to the ban consisted of personalised attacks via social media.

  4. Congratulations, Chris and Abishek! This is so much more than just a personal victory, and confirmation that you did nothing wrong.

    You’ve stood up for an essential principle that most people are too cowardly to support — even though they privately admit they hate to see our hard-won freedoms chipped away.

    And congratulations Maryam too, for your unflinching support.

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