Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Tag: Jesus and Mo

  • When will LibDems side with us?

    It’s not surprising that the Liberal Democrats have again sided with Islamist values at the expense of Muslims, ex-Muslims and others. Not surprising but frustrating nonetheless. In the latest saga, they have decided to admonish their candidate Maajid Nawaz who has received death threats for merely stating the obvious: he – like many Muslims –…

  • And so it should

    Chris Moos and Abishek Phandis write: We are delighted to learn that LSE has issued an unconditional apology for the appalling actions of its staff, which led to us being intimidated and harassed in a manner that does not behove a university. We welcome the LSE’s admission that its staff gravely misjudged the situation, and…

  • LSE Update

    As I reported yesterday, two Atheist Society members were told to take off their Jesus and Mo t-shirts or be kicked out of the LSE (London School of Economics) Freshers’ Fair. Today, even though they went in with their J & Mo t-shirts censored, they were still told to remove it. Nothing like a university…

  • LSE: What happened to freedom of thought

    Update: Here are some other LSE related posts: Charges of Offence and Islamophobia are secular fatwas LSE Student Union supports criticism of religion – just not Islam The Right to offend is fundamental to free expression **** Chris Moos and Abishek Phandis of the London School of Economics Atheist Society are being threatened with being…

  • Next!

    A new Jesus and Mo. There have been a lot of hurt religious sentiments recently. It’s such a shame.                                 (via Fame at Last)

  • A cartoon is offensive?

    A cartoon is offensive?

    Have you heard about the two young Tunisians, Jabeur Mejri and Ghazi Beji, who have been sentenced to seven years in prison for posting cartoons of Mohammad, Islam’s prophet, on Facebook? Seven years… And yet we keep hearing how cartoons are offensive!?! Oh boo hoo. For those of you who keep worrying about how cartoons offend…

  • Jesus and Mo is the point

    Jesus and Mo is the point

    Some atheists are not happy with One Law for All’s use of the Jesus and Mo cartoon on leaflets to promote the 11 February Day in defence of free expression. They feel that since the Jesus and Mo cartoons have been deemed offensive, it is best not to use them. But that’s the whole point…

  • It’s London School of Economic’s turn

    Now it is the London School of Economics Student Union;s turn having instructed the LSESU Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society (ASH) to remove cartoons featuring Jesus and Mohammed from their Facebook page. LSESU ASH is not complying with the instruction and has appealed to LSESU to withdraw it. Good on them. LSESU ASH President Chris…

  • Guess whose meeting wasn’t cancelled?

    Queen Mary Islamic Society held a meeting today on ‘Traditional Islam’ with Abu Zabair as its speaker. It was advertised on where the following call to disrupt [read threaten with violence] the 16 January meeting at which Anne Marie Waters was speaking on behalf of One Law for All on Sharia Law and Human Rights was…