The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain is supporting ‘apostate’ Khalid Saeed’s demand for asylum in Sweden. We are astonished to hear he has been refused asylum and urge the Swedish authorities to reconsider and grant him protection.

Mr Saeed is a long-time member of our organisation. We are an organisation made up of people who have publicly renounced Islam in order to break the taboo that comes with doing so. Although, we in the west are free to make such decisions, notwithstanding the threats and intimidation, in other countries, specifically in this case Pakistan. Given the high exposure of our organisation as well as the well-founded fear of persecution he faces, we believe his life would be in danger if he were to be returned to his country of origin. Mr Saeed has already been attacked for his views on Islam in Pakistan and fears for his safety and life if he is forcibly returned.

To support Mr Khalid’s right to refuge, please sign the petition here.



  1. I find it ironic that after signing the petition, I’m asked to sign another one that urges the United States to permit the continued sales of unproven, newly-reformulated “nutritional supplements”, right after being asked to support a rational thinker.

  2. Did they say why he was refused asylum? Sweden has never struck me as one of the “Haha fuck you, atheist” kind of countries

  3. This is rdiculous people that are a danger to this country even if they are born and bred here they should be deported to muslim countries to see the realities of life and the innocent sufferings that are going on…THis man is decent and truthful he will be sent out there to be killed by the believer of Islam..

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