On the movie Fitna

The Internet release of the film Fitna provided a pretext for an array of the right wing and reactionary forces of our time to declare…

Mahmoud Salehi has been released!

Mahmoud Salehi, the head of the Bakers’ Union in Saqez, was released this past weekend! Congratulations to all who campaigned on his behalf!

On Fitna, the Movie

To see Fariborz Pooya’s interview with Maryam Namazie and Bahram Soroush as well as commentaries by ex-Muslims and others on Iranian Secular Society TV, click…

Religion and radicalism!?

To see Fariborz Pooya’s comments on religion and radicalism, click here. Fariborz is one of the founding members of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain…