We are writing to give you an update on some important actions and events.
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and others have called for 25 April to be an international day to defend Bangladesh’s bloggers and activists. Please spread the word, sign this petition today, and stand with and for Bangladeshi freethinkers.
As you may know, in January, 29 year old blogger Asif Mohiuddin was stabbed. In February, 35 year old atheist blogger involved in the Shahbag protests, Ahmed Rajib, was brutally killed. Islamists continue to threaten prominent bloggers and have called for the “execution of 84 atheist bloggers for insulting religion”. Rather than prosecute the Islamists, the government has arrested some bloggers and shut down blogs and sites.
We unequivocally condemn the attacks on and threats against atheist, secularist and freethinking bloggers and call on the Bangladeshi government to guarantee their safety, respect free expression and prosecute Islamists who threaten, attack and harm critics.
On 25 April, we urge groups and individuals to rally at Bangladeshi embassies, contact members of parliament in their countries of residence, highlight the situation, write protest letters, carry out acts of solidarity, Tweet #Bangladesh #Bloggers and more.
You can find more information here.
Please don’t forget about our upcoming events and join us:
On 15 June, we will celebrate the CEMB’s sixth anniversary at a luncheon with keynote speaker Kenan Malik. Other speakers/acts include comedian Kate Smurthwaite and CEMB Spokesperson Maryam Namazie. The luncheon starts at 12pm for 1230pm start at a central London location.
Book your tickets today.
Ticket(s) for the event, which includes a three-course meal and glass of wine at a wonderful Italian restaurant, are £35.00 per person or £30.00 for students/unwaged.
To purchase tickets, send a cheque made payable to CEMB to BM Box 1919, London WC1N 3XX or pay via Paypal or Worldpay. Please make sure to include an email address and/or telephone number so that further details can be provided. Additional donations are welcome to help ensure the attendance of CEMB volunteers at the event.
On 9 May we have evening drinks with Rumy Hassan, author of “Multiculturalism: Some Inconvenient Truths” and a new book “Dangerous Liaisons: The Clash between Zionism and Islamism” from 6:30-8:00pm, upstairs, at The George on the Strand, 213 Strand, London WC2R 1AP. Entry is £3; £1 for unwaged, which can be paid at the door. All are welcome.
Other events include a Bradford Meet-Up 20 April and the launch of the Council of Ex-Muslims of France on 6 July in Paris. For more information, click here.
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Morocco has been established – the first ever public atheist organisation in a country with Islam as its official religion.
If you want to join the organisation or support its hugely important work, please contact the head of the organisation, Imad Iddine Habib. For more information, click here.
One of the CEMB forum administrators, Allat, is putting together an anthology of personal stories of Ex-Muslims. Profits from the anthology will go to the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. Deadline for submissions to Ex-Muslim Anthology is 31 May 2013. If you’re interested, please click here.
If you haven’t already, read member statements or join the CEMB here and participate in the active CEMB web-forum.
Also, don’t forget to donate to our important work. Any amount helps and makes a huge difference in our fight against Islamism and in support of apostates and blasphemers in the UK and internationally.
For those of you who have already donated, thank you. A particularly special thanks goes to those who have been donating regularly via standing order. We couldn’t do all our work without your support!
Warmest wishes
Maryam Namazie
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
BM Box 1919, London WC1N 3XX, UK
email: exmuslimcouncil@gmail.com
web: http://ex-muslim.org.uk/
Company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales under company number 8059509.
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