Tonight, 9 May 2013, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain has organised evening drinks with Gita Sahgal, Executive Director of Centre for Secular Space. 6:30-8:00pm at The George on the Strand, 213 Strand, London WC2R 1AP. Entry is £3; £1 for unwaged, which can be paid at the door. All are welcome.

Author Rumy Hasan who was to give the talk is ill; his talk will be rescheduled.

Hope to see some of you there!

By the way, the next CEMB event is our 6th anniversary luncheon.

Join us to celebrate the 6th anniversary of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain 15 June 2013 at 12pm for a 12:30pm start at a central London restaurant. The keynote speaker will be writer Kenan Malik. Other speakers and acts include Centre for Secular Space Executive Director Gita Sahgal, comedian Kate Smurthwaite and CEMB spokesperson Maryam Namazie. Nahla Mahmoud will be the MC for the event.

Book your tickets today. Ticket(s) for the event, which includes a three-course meal and glass of wine at a wonderful Italian restaurant, are £35.00 per person or £30.00 for students/unwaged.

To purchase tickets, send a cheque made payable to CEMB to BM Box 1919, London WC1N 3XX or pay via Paypal or Worldpay. Please make sure to include an email address and/or telephone number so that further details can be provided. Additional donations are welcome to help ensure the attendance of CEMB volunteers at the event.


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