Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

#ExMuslimBecause #INeedYourLove

On July 5, 2016 a number of ex-Muslims from Bangladesh, Britain, Iran, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan and Syria converged on Kings Cross for a flash “dance” in support of freethinkers and “apostates” across the globe. On their faces and chests, they had written of “Ex-Muslim”, “Kafir”, “Atheist”, “Migrant”, “Refugee”, and “Apostate”.

They danced to Shaggy’s “I Need Your Love”** in support of all those who are isolated, intimidated, harassed, and even killed for leaving Islam or thinking freely.

They also danced in memory of Adel Al-Jaf, a young Iraqi dancer, who was killed the day before in a mass suicide bombing in Iraq with over 200 others. He had to dance in secret; they danced for him and all those who cannot dance, think, live and love in public.

Dancers include: Aftab Ahmed, Hana Chelache, Imad Iddine Habib, Mahdi Khalidi, Maryam Namazie, Rayhana Sultan, and Zee Jay.

Dance was organised by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain.

Filming: Poone Ravi


Soundtrack: Shaggy’s I need your love
Artists: Shaggy Feat Mohombi , Faydee and Costi
Music : I NEED YOUR LOVE ( itunes)

ما کپی رایت این آهنگ را نداريم

در 5 ژوئیه 2016 تعدادى از كسانى كه از اسلام روى برگرداندند و بى خدا هستند از بنگلادش، ایران، کویت، مراکش و پاکستان در “كينگس كراس” لندن در حمایت از آزاداندیشان و “مرتدين” در سراسر جهان رقصيدند. در پيشونى و سینه خود نوشته بودند “اكس مسلم”، “کافر”، “بیخدا”، “مهاجر”، “پناهنده”، و “مرتد”

آنها به آهنگ “من به عشق شما نیاز دارم” “شگى”** رقصيدند در حمايت از تمام كسانى كه بخاطر اعتقادات خود ترد و ازيت و آزار و حتى كشته مى شوندـ

آنها همچنین به ياد از عادل الجاف، یک رقاص جوان عراقی، که روز قبل در یک بمب گذاری انتحاری در عراق با بیش از 200 نفر دیگر کشته شد رقصید. عادل مجبور بود در پنهان برقصد؛ آنها برای او رقصید و براى تمام کسانی که نمی توانند در ملاء عام برقصند، زندگی و ععتقادات خود را بيان كنند و عشق ورزند۔

اسامى افرادى كه در اين اعتراض رقص شركت كردند

آفتاب احمد عماد حبیب ادين، مهدی خالدی، مریم نمازی، ریحانه سلطان،هانا چلاچه٬ زى جى و

رقص توسط شورای اكس مسلم بریتانیا برگزار شدـ

فيلم بردارى: پونه راوى

ما کپی رایت این آهنگ را نداريم
موسیقی: من به عشق شما نیاز دارم


6 responses to “#ExMuslimBecause #INeedYourLove”

  1. Alice Shairzay Avatar
    Alice Shairzay

    Dear Maryam,

    I hope you get this message. I was unable to find your email on line and I’m on neither Twitter nor Facebook. We met at the Women in Secularism Conference and spoke briefly a couple of times. I was impressed at how eloquent and resolute you were about the corrosiveness of identity politics. It’s disheartening that we continue to herd ourselves and others (including the unwilling) into inflexible stereotypes based on where and when (i.e., age) we were born, who are parents were, and our gender; none of which we control. It’s a wonder we don’t include shoe size and height as indicators of an identity that creates a mind meld!

    I admire your grace under pressure and courage.

    I hope we meet again.


    Alice Shairzay

    PS Your mother is charming!

    1. Maryam Namazie Avatar
      Maryam Namazie

      Thanks for this Alice. It means a lot.

  2. logicthoughts Avatar

    Looking like ignorant jokers.

    1. Maryam Namazie Avatar
      Maryam Namazie

      There’s only one person here who is ignorant and I’m looking at him.

  3. logicthoughts Avatar

    I watched a very funny and childish video of you..hahahahahha

    Quote: By watching this over 1.5 billion Muslims are afraid of you people.

    1. Maryam Namazie Avatar
      Maryam Namazie

      How silly. We are not trying to make anyone afraid – that is the job of Islamists. Our role is to bring love, life, music, dance as forms of resistance to their death and destruction.

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