Reza Moradi (who was questioned by police at the March for Free Expression demo at Trafalgar Square and told a summons would be issued for his having insulted a person at the rally because his plackard had some of the Mohammad caricatures on it) writes:

Thanks for your emails and questions regarding my situation. To give you an update, Keith Porteous Wood, from the National Secular Society, has found me an excellent pro bono lawyer, Daniel Burbidge. We have already met once to go over the case; he is now following it up for me. The police have not yet sent the case to court because they say they are still gathering evidence. I am still waiting to receive their summons.

We want to make sure this case gets its day in court and that with your support – with the support of all those who seek justice when our civil liberties and freedoms are under attack – we will win and raise the banner of unconditional freedoms higher than ever before.

We fight both the political Islamic movement and the laws that support it and provide it with cover to make sure there can be no justification and excuse for such attacks on human values again.

I will keep you posted. I will be needing your support in defence of free expression and against political Islam’s encroachment on universal values.

You can write to me directly at


  1. Hi there. I wanted to say I whole-heartedly support your cause. I am truly sick of religion being used as a means by which legitimate opinions can be closed-down on the grounds of “offence”. Good luck to you my atheist friend.

  2. Dear Reza Moradi!You were amazing; you were the real voice of peace, a voice of humanist of the world!I am proud of what you have done.I, also loved your weapon, a microphone & endless energy to expose all the daily crime of the 2 poles of terrorism: US& Political Islam!Thanks for introducing humanist camp: “The Third Camp” to us!I support you & I am sure, I am not only one!!!Zari Asli,

  3. perhaps you should have strapped on fake bombs and carried placards calling for murder, intimidation etc and you would have been policed,”sensitively”

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