So says the trembling voice of a 21-year-old youth in Karaj prison. Zaniar says that his death sentence and that of his cousin, Loqman, have been confirmed on appeal, but the prison authorities have not officially informed them. “Please do something”, he fearfully asks me. “I am very worried. They might call me at any moment and execute me”.

This dialogue is not lifted from a film; this is not a scene from a novel or a movie about the Middle Ages. This conversation took place just a couple of days ago. The two have been charged with ‘Enmity against God’ and ‘Corruption on Earth’. Details here.

Something must be done. The authorities intend to execute Zaniar, aged 21, and Loqman, aged 26, in public. Zaniar is asking the world to do something. He hopes that each of us, according to our individual situations and capabilities, will dedicate a portion of our time to this issue and take action. From today we are asking all of you, our friends, and all organisations for the defence of human rights and groups against the death penalty, to take action. Let us all join together and work to save Zaniar’s and Loqman’s lives by promoting news coverage of the situation, signing petitions and protest letters, and organising demonstrations and meetings. This is our duty.

The International Committee Against Execution will use all the means at its disposal to prevent this crime. This is what Zaniar is asking of us and all of you. Zaniar was forced to confess to his own detriment under torture in prison. Now he finds himself only a few paces from the gallows. We must protest against these crimes in a united and extensive manner.

Mina Ahadi
International Committee against Execution
International Committee against Stoning
Tel: 0049 (0) 1775692413



  1. In my personal opinion, we need to fight against the entire regime, we need to make our enemy the Islamic Republic and all of its Mullahs and supporters. All that picking on cases like this does is promote dehumanization towards Iranians.

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