Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

In defence of Alex Aan

I just got the following email:

We are a group of international people, Indonesian as well as other nationalities, including ex-indonesian journalists as well as legal assistants, supporting Alex Aan in regard to his recent arrest and charges under Indonesian law for blasphemy due to his posts on the wall of his Facebook group of which he is one of the admin. Alex Aan exercised his right to free speech in a democratic country, Indonesia, by openly questioning the existence of god and criticizing Islam.

We are please asking for your help in spreading the word about our Facebook group.

We are very concerned about Alex Aan and his family’s safety and hope that international pressure and outrage at this violation of his basic human rights will result in him being freed as soon as possible. Thank you for your help in support of Alex Aan.

Well what are you waiting for? Support Alex now. And the right to blasphemy.


49 responses to “In defence of Alex Aan”

  1. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
    Rafiq Mahmood

    Everywhere in the world – see your representatives, hold vigils and protests outside Indonesian consulates and embassies. Demand freedom of conscience for the Indonesian people. Make your protests bite.

    We in Indonesia will not be silent.

    Jakarta Globe: Calls to behead Indonesian atheist Alexander Aan.

  2. I am in 100% support of freeing Alex Aan. I appreciate everything you are doing Maryam. And I will do my best to do my part.

  3. […] Baca Dukungan Internasional buat ALEX AAN […]

    1. Hahaha! Nice one.

  4. […] does upset me is the hatred I see directed at non-believers everywhere.  From Jessica Ahlquist to Alex Aan and countless others, our so-called “blasphemy” earns us threats of violence, rape, […]

  5. Many thanks spreading these kinds of beneficial data. A person’s document In defence of Alex Aan | Maryam Namazie definitely facilitates us a good deal. You are able to our report in addition, in case you take issue, you may also get away from your review.

  6. […] the meantime, Alex Aan is still in prison and facing five years behind bars for blasphemy. Support for him has started to grow, but it is still in uncertain whether this will be enough to sway […]

    1. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
      Rafiq Mahmood

      I am delighted to see that many Indonesians have changed their facebook profiles to read:

      I am Indonesian
      and I am an atheist.

      Indonesia is
      N O T
      an Islamic country

      Free Alex Aan

      If we are going to prison, it is going to be for a very strong reason. Indonesians are not intimidated or cowed but are rather becoming emboldened.

  7. Rasme Tok Avatar

    Will be be tried under democratic secular law or Al Shariah law, if the latter I have little faith as AS law has been used as a tool of oppression in these cases as noted in egypt with the case of AlKreem, does he face Apostate status which will further damage his human rights status? This needs to be brought up at the UN.

    1. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
      Rafiq Mahmood

      He will be prosecuted under the law of Indonesia. I have little faith in that either. “Democratic and secular” is pushing the description a bit too far…

  8. Right – I’ve found and emailed the Ambassador to Canada – for it is in Canada that I live.

    I suggest that others who are concerned with the free expression of a non-disparaging or insulting comment find their appropriate ambassadors and write to them expressing your dismay.

    Be polite.

  9. Following is the Law Republik of Indonesia, which every Indonesian Citizenship to follow

    The Indonesian Criminal Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana/KUHP)

    Article 156a
    Shall be punished with imprisonment for a five-years, who intentionally in publicissue of feeling or doing acts:

    a. which in principle is hostility, abuse or desecration of a religion followed in Indonesia.

    b. with the intention that person did not adopt any religion as well, which is based with the Indonesian Law of the Belief in God Almighty.

    1. And? That doesn’t mean that atheism should be illegal. Such a law is a violation of basic human rights and forces people to believe something they do not.

    2. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
      Rafiq Mahmood

      Thank you for reminding us of that, Saladin.

      The religious Apartheid in Indonesia reflects the racial Apartheid there used to be in South Africa. You cannot marry someone of a different religion, one or another of you has to convert to the other’s nominal religion. No marriages are valid without a religious ceremony first. Muslim marriages are one stage procedures done under the Religious Affairs Ministry. Non-Muslim marriages are two-stage efforts. You have to get a religious marriage first and then go to the Civil Registry.

      There are the same “pass laws” – everyone has to have an ID card which states your religion on it. And guess which religion gets all the privileges?

      Mosques spring up like mushrooms without any form of planning consent required, yet if you want to build a church or temple you must drum up the support of 60 neighbours and even then the Mayor and the Islamic Defenders Front will stop you from actually using it.

      If you kill someone because you disagree with their version of Islam you get a few weeks in prison. If you video someone doing the killing and are yourself attacked you get six months.

      So where is the worldwide condemnation and sanctions against religious Apartheid? Because Indonesia hasn’t yet reached the depths of depravity of Saudi, Iran and Pakistan it is hailed as a beacon of democracy and secularism in the “Muslim world”. It is a tired and worn mask and the real face is showing.

      Unjust laws are no laws at all. A growing number of Indonesians face the daily choice between lying and disobeying the law. Double think is the norm.

      Please encourage and support Indonesians who cannot stand this any longer to come out and to fight injustice. Please tell your MPs and governments to demand the same rights for Indonesians that you now enjoy after centuries of struggle.

      Expose and fight religious Apartheid now.

      1. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
        Rafiq Mahmood

        Thank you! To find the Indonesian Embassy in your country go to the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.

        A most insidious aspect of the religious Apartheid in Indonesia is in the schools. Religious education/indoctrination is compulsory, but not (despite the “Unity in Diversity” motto) education about the various religions prevalent in the country. Instead children are divided into their (parents’) religions and taught separately.

  10. […] Maryam Namazie shared an email on her blog, which asked for support for Aan.  According to the email, he exercised his right to free speech in a democratic country by opening questioning God’s existence and criticizing Islam.  Unfortunately, questioning religion is illegal in Indonesia. […]

    1. Oh well, I guess I won’t post about it since a note has already been posted about it. I tried to do it last night, but God Discussion website was having serious issues. It is now there today and hopefully the word will spread. 🙂

  11. Stephen Munslow Avatar
    Stephen Munslow

    Surely the best way to deal with * is to ignore him/her, rather than respond.
    What is particularly significant about this case is, for me, that Indonesia is often seen as one of the best examples of a Muslim-majority country, in that it is regarded as comparatively liberal and easy-going. This case shows clearly that even in the most liberal Muslim-majority country, Islam will ultimately show that no matter how much its adherents attempt to disguise its true nature, it is not just another religion.

  12. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
    Rafiq Mahmood

    You see what I mean? This thread is about the plight of an Indonesian and a call to action to help him. Please get back to the matter in hand. Since the nasty piece of shit does clearly evoke such strong reaction, from me not the least, let’s start a new thread dedicated to discussing it. In the meantime let’s try to ignore whatever imbecilities he comes up with and stick to the subject matter.

    Indonesia is an important country and home to most of the world’s Muslims, although before the tsunami few people had even heard of it in the UK (everyone had heard of Bali, though). What happens here does affect what happens in the rest of the world. Things are not yet as bad as in Saudi, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan but they are moving in that direction. Please help us.

    1. I agree with you about PP8’s comments being disruptive.

      Please let us know what we can do to support secularism in Indonesia, apart from joining the Facebook group.

      1. I just got another detailed email from them on what other things we can do and will be posting it up here. Just want to be sure what of the email I can post.

  13. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
    Rafiq Mahmood

    Maryam. I think enough is enough. Freedom of expression is all very well but as soon as you raise extremely important issues and we try to deal with them in a serious way this poisonous worm crawls into our discussions and takes over. That is not freedom of expression at all but diversion and filibustering.

    We are all guests of Maryam. If Aryan supremacists wish to express their loathsome opinions we are not stopping them but you have no obligation to provide them with the platform and the server space.

    This thread is about a serious issue – the very real loss of freedom and livelihood of one person because he dares to say what he believes and doesn’t believe. We need to organise and yet this dangerous buffoon is diverting us. His rantings are no longer a mild irritation. By allowing him to continue in this way you are undermining your own blog and potentially damaging a vitally important organ of freedom.

    Telling him to fuck off is no longer enough. He doesn’t know how to because he knows through your kindness and firm principles he can continue to get away with it.

    Can I ask those who agree with me to join in appealing to Maryam to block PP88 and any other pseudonyms he may try to appear under later. He has been here before under different names. We love the work you are doing Maryam and it hurts us to see it undermined in this way. For the sake of OUR freedom of expression please do it.

    Thank you.

    1. He is an irritating little snot and quite a sad person all round but banning him on the grounds you don’t agree with what he says is IMHO wrong.

      However to ban or suspend him for being insufferably and deliberately irritating is fine with me.

      1. Oh no, he’s showing a good example of the problems with Islam. The problem is, he can’t admit to himself that Arabs are not the problem, but religion is.

        1. WTF?? This is the second time you’ve made such a comment. PP8’s hatred has nothing to do with Islam, or even religion in general. He is motivated by extreme right-wing nationalism, ethnic pride and bizarre ideas about racial purity. He is not a fucking Muslim. He is an atheist. In fact he hates Muslims, refers to them as “Mudslimes,” and has repeatedly expressed a desire to wipe them off the face of the Earth. So how exactly are his comments “showing a good example of the problems with Islam”?

          His comments are a good example of problems with right-wing extremism and ideas of racial superiority. Please pay attention! Just because he’s from Iran doesn’t mean his ideas are a product of Islamic thought! Maryam is originally from Iran and she’s a Communist. PP8 is from Iran and he’s a racial supremacist. Neither of them represent Islam!! For fuck’s sake.

          1. That is what I’m saying, but nobody seems to be listening, Winterwind. He is showing some religious ideology in his posts. Religion contributes a lot to many of the things he is voicing, even though he says he is an atheist. IF he really is an atheist, he is still brainwashed in the sense of “who’s in and who’s out”, except he seems to have changed Sunni v Shi’ite into Persian (Iran) v Arab. The fact is, according to Wikipedia and other like sources, Iran is 90% Sunni. Think about it. His comments do show a lot of right-wing extremism, but that extremism is root in the influence of the society he is living is, which is supposedly 90% Sunni.

    2. He seems to be angry and hateful about something that happened long about 644 C.E. The Arab Conquest apparently is the Muslim Conquest (see Wikipedia’s history of Iran, which not only equals Persia, but Aryan). Unfortunately, he seems to have forgotten that Iran’s best years were apparently between 1935 and 1979, before it Islam took over and threw them back to the Dark Ages and making them barbarians. In other words, their plight is their own damn fault for becoming Sunni and fighting with Shi’ites. Humm… Seems like Islam is the problem, not Arabs.

      1. PersianPοwer88 Avatar

        Arabs are the masters of sectarianism. I could care less if a Mudslime is Shit’ite (lol) or Sunnipig or Sufi, they are all animals.

        1. So are you, PersianPower. Just being human makes you an animal. All humans are animals and genetically, as well as evolutionary wise, we are related to all other animals. Just remember, when you point one finger at others, three other fingers point back at you.

    3. I’m sorry but I won’t be pressured into violating an important principle because of one fool. Censoring someone doesn’t help your freedom of expression or anyone else’s. If you can’t stand PersianPower just ignore him. If you feel like speaking to the arse out of the kindness of your heart, then do it. Since he is not here for an honest debate but to rile us up, if you like just swear at him as I do, at least once a day. Trust me it feels good. PersianPower is a fascist, an enthnocentrist. He is inhuman, a bigot, a racist. He has the most despicable and vile beliefs all wrapped in one. And he is using the anonymity of the internet to say anything and everything. Ignore him, swear at him, talk to him. Whatever you do, stop bugging me. Because if you still don’t know me by now, I don’t budge on my principles.

      1. BTW Rafiq, one of the intended side effects of the arse PersianPower is that we – who are close allies and friends – are arguing over him. I think we need to decide not to do that anymore and focus our wrath on him or ignore him. I may have to go into the backend and find his IP and email address and see what other names he is using when I have nothing to do…

        1. I just checked. He has commented around 70 times already and most of it irrelevant and a waste of space. I have therefore added PersianPower’s IP to a moderation list. I think I have as I haven’t done this before so we must wait and see when he feels like losing his thoughts again. If it works, his comments will now have to await my approval. I will then consolidate it all and let him have one comment a day. I am not censoring him, as I will post all his statements in one comment. It may help you PersianPower if you only comment once but either way I will post all your comments in one comment box – it will be like a full digest of all your vile rantings and maybe Robert Spencer could publish it in a book for you – Lessons for neo-Nazis.

          1. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
            Rafiq Mahmood

            Excellent, Maryam. That seems a good plan so we can get on with our serious business – and there is a lot to do.

            The best way I think we can help secularism in Indonesia is to make as much information, literature and science based learning available in the Indonesian language as possible. I am trying hard to recruit translators but it is an uphill struggle. Any ideas or advice would be most welcome. We need a UK or USA base for our ISBN and to circumvent possible Indonesian attempts at censorship. Distribution should not be a problem.

            We also need native speaker translators for the other “Muslim world” languages.

            Please email me with any suggestions, advice or help at

            I know we are all deeply shocked by the news of the likely imminent execution of Zaniar and Loqman Moradi in Iran. We have no alternative – we must do whatever we can to draw the attention of the world’s media to the barbarities of the regime and to isolate it diplomatically. Protest does work, even with Iran.

            Nevertheless, please do let this divert us from also trying to help Alexander Aan and with the same vigour. This is a struggle on many fronts.

      2. I’m sorry but I won’t be pressured into violating an important principle because of one fool. Censoring someone doesn’t help your freedom of expression or anyone else’s.

        Maryam, if it is against your own personal conscious to moderate him and you feel that strongly about it, then don’t. This I can fully understand. We all have our own personal principles and should not be force or pressured into doing something that is against our own personal consciousness. We all have our own personal standards for various reasons, whether they seem valid or not to others, and I can admire that. I even have my own set of values and standards which not everyone agrees with, but I developed them because of what I grew up with and did not like. One example I think we can agree on is how religion treats women, which we are both against, and neither of us would compromise on values that do not give women human dignity and control over themselves either. If you feel this strongly about it then don’t compromise those values, in part because it is in your heart to give everyone the right to free speech, no matter how offensive what they say maybe. I can understand that and appreciate that. Therefore, as much as many of us do not like it, then don’t do what goes against your own values and conscious. I can understand where this is coming from or at least I think I can, as well as understand the why. I might not fully agree with it, but I think I do understand where it is coming from and the reasons for it, therefore I can accept it and deal with it.

        For everyone else, I think we need to have a little compassion on Maryam for this, whether we completely agree with it or not or even understand it. Think about one or some of the most horrid things about the religion you grew up in and ask yourself what standards, in her heart, which you set to prevent those things from happening again and ask yourself, if you would compromise on it and just what it would take to get you to compromise on it. I know I’ve set some standards for myself since leaving Evangelical Fundamentalist Xianity (and Xianity in general), which would take an awful lot to get me to compromise on, but it all comes from heart and what I value, not something totally external. I maybe wrong, but I think her personal values concerning free speech comes from the fact that Islam does not allow anyone to speak what is on their minds or even think for themselves. Thus, I feel we need to have a little compassion for Maryam in this, instead of demanding she censor others who are vile and abusive in their posts. If you can’t have compassion for PP88, which I can’t either, then try to view it from Maryam’s POV and try to have some compassion and understanding for her. It’s obvious she does not like what PP88 says, but she cannot be pressured into going against her own values she has made for herself without religion telling her what to do. IMHO, to pressure her to do so, is just not fair to Maryam. In time, maybe this standard she has set for herself may mellow some or it might not, but she needs to decide that for herself, not have group pressure to do so. Group pressure, so to speak, is what most religions are all about. Let’s not do that to her as atheists, humanists, freethinkers, etc. I’m not going to at least, because I can see it is an extremely important value for her, which she has set for herself. Nobody else has done this for her, not even religion.

        1. Rasme Tok Avatar

          If people like Persian Power are going to relay historical points and issues could they please get to it in the first line, we all have very busy lives. I don’t have time to worry about their ego or racial and cultural ‘issues’ take them to a councellor who gets paid to listen, just get to the point, its there somewhere.

          1. 😆 Rasme Tok, what I said had nothing to do with history or even PP88. It did have all to do with having compassion for Maryam’s views on free speech. The first part was for Maryam and the second part was for all others. If you thought my post had to do with history or sharing PP88’s views, then obviously you did not even skim it and just made an assumption. I do not share PP88’s views. In fact, his posts sicken me, but Maryam should not be pushed into doing something that is against her values. I’m sorry you can’t even skim something and just make assumptions.

  14. PersianPower88 Avatar

    And Upright Ape, in case you’re wondering, I know full well that Iranians are not a pure race, all Iranian National Socialists know this full well. Racial purity may be fixed through proper eugenics. Under a strict fascist system, we as Iranians may finally destroy Islam, Christianity, and other non-Iranian religions, fortify ourselves under Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Eastern Philosophy, or non-belief, purify our culture, our language, and even our blood.

    The road will be hard, but we as Iranians have accomplished many great things in our six millenniums upon this earth. The final extermination of the Arab race will be tough, but the pain and suffering that the Iranian people have endured for 1400 years will not result in us simply letting the Arabs get away with this.

    The fire that roars in the hearts of Iranians is incredible, I have witnessed it first hand. From Iranian school boys yelling “marg bar Eslam” and “marg bar Arabha” to young Iranian girls speaking of their deep hatred for that filthy Arab taazi named Muhammad.

    The Iranian people will gain their glory once again, the over millenia over torture we have endured will be cast away as we once again march into a golden age. My hatred for Arabs… it is so fiery and hot that it brings me joy.

    Glory to Iran! Glory to our race! HAIL VICTORY!–7MjqFqE

  15. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
    Rafiq Mahmood

    If the rabid eejut who calls himself “PersianPower88” wants to come to Indonesia he will find himself very much at home. There are many Hitler lovers here and he will find much of the racist garbage of the Third Reich on the streets and in the bookshops.

    1. Upright Ape Avatar
      Upright Ape

      He may find it inconvenient but Hitler occasionally
      got along with Arabs rather well. The common thread among Nazis and some Arabs, of course, being antisemitism. A good example is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini.

      1. PersianPower88 Avatar

        Upright Ape, I understand you’re Iranian, so I shall reply to you. You’re obviously ignorant, and have probably dominated an Arab girls pussy before, so you feel entitled to defending Arabs, either that or you’re some sort of queer with Arab friends (being friends with people who raped your ancestors? *tsk* *tsk*).

        Now then, as for Hitler and the Arabs, Hitler considered the Arabs parasites, untermenschen, dogs essentially. He too considered that of the Mongolians, yet the Mongolians fought with the SS in key battles, likewise with Slavic units. Hitler despised Arabs but used them as cattle for his war machine, naturally as you know, Arabs and Jews are both from the same lineage, the lineage of the devil (I mean that metaphorically as I am an Atheist), they are Semites, untermenschen.

        Now onto “the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini”, if I recall, Hitler referred to Haj Amin Al-Husseini in one of his personal writings or something of the such as having European ancestry, thus not being polluted by Arab DNA, I’m of course loosely paraphrasing.

        There was a book written all about this subject by one of the friends of Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, I read it ages ago, if someone remembers the name, shout it out.

        On another note, a good read for you:

  16. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
    Rafiq Mahmood

    Thank you for posting this.

    This is a very important case deserving international attention. Please write to your MPs or representatives and organise protests at Indonesian embassies.

    There is a growing backlash against the flagrant oppression of the people by religion in this country and more and more people are finding their voice.

    The FPI (the Islam Defenders Front) are a sort of Indonesian version of the Hitler Youth and they run riot with the open connivance and support of the police whenever anyone who don’t fit the mould of their version of Islam try to express themselves. And ordinary intelligent people are fed up with it. They are questioning the right of religion to dictate their lives.

    Indonesian youth are some of the most connected on the planet and very heavy facebook users. The government has been trying to control internet access via anti-pornography and criminal libel laws and have been trying to dictate terms to RIM (the owners of BlackBerry). The popularity of BlackBerry devices here is astonishing. There is an explosion of secular and atheist facebook pages which the brainless thugs of the FPI and their cronies in the police and government do not like because it challenges their power.

    We can expect to see more and more incidents like that of Alexander Aan, sadly. As Christians, Ahmadis, Shia, atheists and secularists feel the boot and stick of the FPI and their ilk those that can will be forced to seek asylum. Please draw the attention of your MPs to this very real likelihood and ask them to put pressure on the Indonesian government.

    Indonesia likes more than anything to present the image of a tolerant, democratic and essentially secular country (the state motto is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika – Unity in Diversity) and some, like Barack Obama, appear publicly to swallow this tired old and increasingly fictitious line. But the image of Indonesia overseas is important to the government and it tries to establish a more leading role in South East Asia.

    Protests do work. Organise demonstrations. Write to your MPs, contact Amnesty International and ask them to adopt Alexander Aan as a prisoner of conscience, write to the President of Indonesia

    Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
    Jl. Alternatif Cibubur Puri Cikeas Indah No. 2
    Desa Nagrag Kec. Gunung Putri
    Kab. Bogor – 16967

    Write to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights

    H. Patrialis Akbar, SH.
    Gd. Nusantara I Lt. 20 R. 2031
    Jl. Gatot Subroto Gd. DPR/MPR RI
    Jakarta (Office)

    Rumah Jabatan Anggota
    DPR RI Blok C – I No. 197
    Jakarta 12750 (Home 1)

    Jl. Cakra Wijaya V Blok P No.3
    Cipinang Muara,
    Jakarta Timur

    Write to the ambassador and protest outside the Indonesian Embassy:

    Indonesian Ambassador and Plenipotentiary Extraordinary to the Court of St James
    H.E. Yuri Octavian Thamrin
    38 Grosvenor Square
    London W1K 2HW

    Tel. (020) 7499 7661
    Fax. (020)7491 4993


    Indonesian Ambassador to Australia
    H.E. Primo Alui Joelianto
    8 Darwin Avenue,
    ACT 2600

    Tel. +61262508600
    Fax +61262733545, +61262736017

    Indonesian Ambassador to the United States
    H.E Dr. Dino Patti Djalal
    2020 Massachusetts Avenue, NW,
    D.C. 20036

    Tel. (202) 775 – 5200
    Fax. (202) 775 – 5365

    Please protest. It works.
    Thank you.

    Rafiq Mahmood
    Bogor, Indonesia

    1. Martyn N Hughes Avatar
      Martyn N Hughes

      Thank you for these e-mail addresses Rafiq.

      1. Rafiq Mahmood Avatar
        Rafiq Mahmood

        If anyone wants to send me signed pdf versions of their letters to the Indonesian President and Ministers I can print them out and deliver or post them here.

        1. Ronauli Avatar

          Here is my email for them which addresses are below :


          Mempertimbangkan tekanan internasional yang mungkin akan terjadi dan mungkin akan berimbas pada ketidak percayaan dunia internasional terhadap penegakan HAM dan kebebasan berekspresi di Indonesia sehingga mungkin akan berimbas kepada perekonomian kita karena mungkin orang akan takut datang ke negeri kita sehubungan dengan kasus yang telah menimpa Alex Aan dan beberapa kejadian lain yang menimpa ummat beragama di negeri kita ini telah menjadi pembicaraan di dunia internasional karena negara kita terkenal negara beragama Islam terbesar yang taat tapi kenyataannya seperti yang telah menimpa Alexander Aan .

          Mempertimbangkan beberapa kejadian yang telah berlatar belakang agama yang dibuat-buat seperti kejadian Poso, Maluku dan beberapa tempat lain ini menunjukkan betapa mudahnya bangsa kita ini diarahkan untuk kerusuhan besar atas dasar fitnah agama jadi stop membicarakan agama orang lain .
          Agama itu adalah urusan pribadi seseorang dengan penciptaNya yang terlihat dari perilakunya setiap hari.
          Amalmu itulah ibadahmu, beriman/beragama tanpa amal itu adalah nol besar.

          Mempertimbangkan untuk menghilangkan premanisme dan menunjukkan sopan-santun ketimuran orang beragama di negeri kita supaya orang yang telah menganiaya Aleksander Aan dihukum dan Aleksander Aan dibebaskan atas pertimbangan kebebasan berekspresi dengan sopan dan baik dan atas kebebasan beragama atau tidak .

          Indonesia diampuni Tuhan dosa-dosanya, Indonesia merdeka.

          Hormat saya:


          Please help me to write to those below because I live far away from post office, I have sent email to KBRI London and Australia.
          Thank you so much
          Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
          Jl. Alternatif Cibubur Puri Cikeas Indah No. 2
          Desa Nagrag Kec. Gunung Putri
          Kab. Bogor – 16967
          Minister of Justice and Human Rights
          H. Patrialis Akbar, SH.
          Gd. Nusantara I Lt. 20 R. 2031
          Jl. Gatot Subroto Gd. DPR/MPR RI
          Jakarta (Office)
          Rumah Jabatan Anggota
          DPR RI Blok C – I No. 197
          Jakarta 12750 (Home 1)
          Jl. Cakra Wijaya V Blok P No.3
          Cipinang Muara,
          Jakarta Timur
          Indonesian Ambassador to the United States
          H.E Dr. Dino Patti Djalal
          2020 Massachusetts Avenue, NW,
          D.C. 20036

        2. Ronauli Avatar

          Sorry, this is the original email to those addresses below :

          Mempertimbangkan tekanan internasional yang mungkin akan terjadi dan mungkin akan berimbas pada ketidak percayaan dunia internasional terhadap penegakan HAM dan kebebasan berekspresi di Indonesia sehingga mungkin akan berimbas kepada perekonomian kita karena mungkin orang akan takut datang ke negeri kita sehubungan dengan kasus yang telah menimpa Alex Aan dan beberapa kejadian lain yang menimpa ummat beragama di negeri kita ini telah menjadi pembicaraan di dunia internasional karena negara kita terkenal negara beragama Islam terbesar yang taat tapi kenyataannya seperti yang telah menimpa Alexander Aan .

          Mempertimbangkan beberapa kejadian yang telah berlatar belakang agama yang dibuat-buat seperti kejadian Poso, Maluku dan beberapa tempat lain ini menunjukkan betapa mudahnya bangsa kita ini diarahkan untuk kerusuhan besar atas dasar fitnah agama jadi stop mempermasalahkan agama orang lain baik dalam lisan maupun tulisan , baik dalam urusan pemerintahan dan sosial lainnya dilarang mencantumkan agama seseorang.
          Agama itu adalah urusan pribadi seseorang dengan penciptaNya yang terlihat dari perilakunya setiap hari.
          Amalmu itulah ibadahmu, beriman/beragama tanpa amal itu adalah nol besar.

          Mempertimbangkan untuk menghilangkan premanisme dan menunjukkan sopan-santun ketimuran orang beragama di negeri kita supaya orang yang telah menganiaya Aleksander Aan dihukum dan Aleksander Aan dibebaskan atas pertimbangan kebebasan berekspresi dengan sopan dan baik dan atas kebebasan beragama atau tidak .

          Indonesia diampuni Tuhan dosa-dosanya, Indonesia merdeka.

          Hormat saya:


          Please help me to write to those below because I live far away from post office, I have sent email to KBRI London and Australia.
          Thank you so much
          Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
          Jl. Alternatif Cibubur Puri Cikeas Indah No. 2
          Desa Nagrag Kec. Gunung Putri
          Kab. Bogor – 16967

          Minister of Justice and Human Rights
          H. Patrialis Akbar, SH.
          Gd. Nusantara I Lt. 20 R. 2031
          Jl. Gatot Subroto Gd. DPR/MPR RI
          Jakarta (Office)

          Rumah Jabatan Anggota
          DPR RI Blok C – I No. 197
          Jakarta 12750 (Home 1)
          Jl. Cakra Wijaya V Blok P No.3
          Cipinang Muara,
          Jakarta Timur

          Indonesian Ambassador to the United States
          H.E Dr. Dino Patti Djalal
          2020 Massachusetts Avenue, NW,
          D.C. 20036

  17. PersianPower88 Avatar

    We the Iranian people support Indonesians in their battle/struggle against the filth of Arab imperialism (Islam). Keep fighting against the most evil force to ever walk upon the earth (the Arab race).

  18. Done. He has every right to say that God doesn’t exist, if he wants. Everyone should have that right and not be bullied into stating what they do not believe.

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