I will be speaking at ‘Engage: Leeds Speakers Forum’ on 31 January 2013 at the University of Leeds in the Maurice Keyworth building G.31 from 1730-1900 hours on Islam in Public Policy: A look at Sharia courts in Britain, multiculturalism and gender inequality. For more information, email fergus-simpson@hotmail.co.uk. There is no need to register for the event.

Hope to see some of you there.


  1. Thanks for the clarification, I’ll definitely check out the link. Am so disappointed I missed out though. Keep up the great work you’re.

  2. I would have attended but, you seem to have posted this at the last minute, I’ve just seen this and now its clearly too late. I’m an Ex-Muslim and live in Leeds.

    1. All my talks are in the schedule and I try and mention them at the beginning of the month but also on the day. You missed a very exciting meeting – full of the what abouters – what about everything under the sun but Sharia law and there were a few ex-Muslims there too. Have you been in touch with Sandbad to join the Nothern ex-Muslim meet-up group? You can find his contact details on the CEMB website: http://www.ex-muslim.org.uk.

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