As I mentioned before, I will be away 28 April – 6 May 2012 during which time I’ll be joining the Centre for Inquiry’s River Cruise to speak about Sharia law and Secularism as well as Free Expression and Islam. Other speakers will be Richard Dawkins and Ronald Lindsay.

Here’s more details.

I will have access to the internet and will try and blog regularly.

I’ll try to work really hard and not have too much fun.





  1. We wish you a safe trip! Your son’s school should have allowed him to go with you as he could have kept up with his school work pretty much online! I’m sure your son is a very bright and promising young man!
    As an American, I’m really ashamed that the USA does nothing for the Islamic dissidents who are persecuted! If nothing else, we need to lead the western countries in demanding that the Sharia Islamics offer dissidents their freedom to leave their Sharia Islamic cages and be able to come to western countries!
    It is amazing that the religious Sharia Islamics so often seek to come to the Western countries and rarely will seek asylum in Islamic societies that mirror their values! At the same time, they persecute the dissidents even for wanting to leave their countries that they themselves so often will not wish to live in?
    It is pathetic that we Americans know more about Ingrid Mattson, an American Catholic convert to Islam who sugar coats Sharia Law than about dissidents like Alex Aan or Adel Imam! As a leftist, you may not like Bare Naked Islam but thanks to them I now know that Egypt under the Islamic Brotherhood is doing away with all the rights Egyptian women have ever had. Meanwhile the Egyptian Sharia Muslims are positively obsessed with having the laws implicitly approve men having sex with their wives after they are dead? I guess they care more about them dead than alive?
    I hope someday you, Maryam Namazie can debate Ingrid Mattson who, as a Professor and leader of US Islamic organizations with ties to terrorist groups says the following about Islam and women:
    1) Mattson denies the actual state of women’s rights under Shariah law:
    “One of the popular misconceptions about Islam is that women are seen as lesser figures, that they don’t have rights.
    “MATTSON: Muslim women have the same legal rights as Muslim men. The Prophet Mohammed’s wife was a businesswoman. The legal rights of women were enshrined in Islamic law. However, cultural practices in many societies have prevented those rights from being enforced.” (In other words it is because of Egyptian or Persian culture, women are now being deprived of all their rights in Egypt and Iran?)
    2) Mattson rationalizes the actions of the Wahhabbism against women:
    CHAT PARTICIPANT: Do the Wahhabis place blame upon women for the weakness of men in their society? Is that why they place such restriction upon them?
    MATTSON: The Wahhabis place restrictions on everyone in their society, men and women. In their minds, they are protecting women from other men by placing these restrictions on them.
    For what it is worth, I believe in you, Maryam Namazie, over Ingrid Mattson!

  2. ”I am not a believer in democracy anyway – I just think it is the political system for capitalism but for democractic elections – even in a limited sense – ”

    i’ve read this in one of your comments.
    may i ask you what are your ideas?
    how a political systam should be?
    and when it is not democracy how the most of the people can be participated in the political affairs?

    1. Absolutely! Keep that laptop closed and switch off the phone. You not only fully deserve a migraine-free break but we need you fully refreshed and fighting fit.

    1. @ Uthmān

      The preface of that PDF link says;

      ‘This work will present a case for the argument that Islam is one of the best things that happened to mankind.’

      Thanks but no thanks.

      Those Abrahamic movements have established beyond doubt they are the worst things that has happened to mankind.

      @ Maryam. Enjoy the trip.

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