The International Committee Against Stoning has been actively working towards the abolishment of stoning in all countries such as Iran, Pakistan and Nigeria where stoning takes place. The Committee was one of the main forces to stop the stoning sentences of Amina Lawal in Nigeria and Zafaran Bibi in Pakistan and to exert pressure on the Islamic regime of Iran to announce a morotorium on stoning sentences.
The International Committee against Stoning, led by Mina Ahadi, is a network of groups and individuals that states:
1- Stoning is execution by torture; an inhuman and barbarous act condemned throughout the world as a clear example of savagery and crime against humanity;
2- Laws of stoning and retributory punishment (Quesas, ‘An Eye for An Eye’) must be abolished as medieval laws;
3- States who have legalised stoning and Quesas and/or commit these crimes must be condemned by the world community;
4- Institutions that issue death by stoning and those that carry it out must be tried for crimes against humanity;
5- Promoters of the culture of stoning and Quesas must be tried for promotion of crimes against humanity;
6- This Charter commits the world community to the maximum effort needed to stop stoning in all states.
In order to expose the brutal act of stoning internationally and to strengthen the fight for the elimination of this law, the Committee has announced July 11 as the International Day against Stoning. July 11 is the day on which in 2001 Maryam Ayoubi, an Iranian woman and mother of three children, was stoned to death.
Stop stoning of Soghra in Iran
An Iranian woman named only as Soghra has been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, local media reported on Saturday 15 October 2005. She was also given a separate 15-year jail sentence for helping her lover kill her husband. While, her lover Alireza was sentenced to death for the murder and to 100 lashes for adultery.
What you can do:
Sign the petition against the stoning of Soghra in Iran:
Write to the Iranian president Ahmadinejad demanding the:
* Immediate abolition of stoning and all other forms of punishment for extra-marital relations and all other Sharia laws;
* Immediate release of Soghra and all those imprisoned for extra-marital relations.
Fax: 0098 21 649 5880
Please send copies of your letters to Mina Ahadi Email: and Farshad Hoseini:
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