Join November 21 rally in London against Sharia law or organise rallies in your own cities

Every day for the past 15 weeks, people aged 16-85 have done everything from singing, doing a puppet show, blogging live, painting, banging on a pot, to giving a speech and sitting or standing still with a placard in order to show their solidarity with the people of Iran for half an hour in London’s Trafalgar Square and more recently in other city centres.

We plan to do this for an entire year to show that every day is a day of solidarity with the courageous people battling the Islamic regime of Iran and demanding a society worthy of the 21st century.

You can see photos and film footage of the various actions here.

If you would like to contribute to these daily acts during the remaining 37 weeks, contact us. We need all the support we can get! You would need to be 16 years of age or over, and spend the half hour doing whatever you’d like from 1730-1800 or earlier during the winter months.

You could also join One Law for All’s Nov 21 rally in London against Sharia law in Iran, Britain and elsewhere. The rally will be held in Hyde Park from 1200-1400 hours. You can find more details here. And if you can’t get to London, why not organise an act or rally on November 21 in your city centre? Just tell us about it beforehand.

You can also set up Iran Solidarity groups at your schools and universities, neighbourhoods and workplaces – similar to the anti-apartheid groups that helped get rid of racial apartheid in South Africa. Iran Solidarity Vancouver, Toronto, Aachen, Frankfurt, Vienna and Oslo have already been established.

Moreover, please don’t forget to sign up to the Iran Solidarity petition if you haven’t done so.

We have a responsibility and duty to unite to support a hugely important movement in Iran that will help the people of Iran and the world in heralding a new dawn and break the back of the political Islamic movement internationally.

For more information, visit our website or blog or contact:
Maryam Namazie
Iran Solidarity
Campaign Organiser
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731

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