Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

It’s London School of Economic’s turn

Now it is the London School of Economics Student Union;s turn having instructed the LSESU Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society (ASH) to remove cartoons featuring Jesus and Mohammed from their Facebook page. LSESU ASH is not complying with the instruction and has appealed to LSESU to withdraw it.

Good on them.

LSESU ASH President Chris Moos, who will be speaking at the 11 February rally for free expression, made the following statement on behalf of the Society’s committee:

‘There are no reasonable grounds for the LSESU’s instruction because we are in no way violating their policies or byelaws. The cartoons on our Facebook page criticise religion in a satirical way and we totally reject any claim that their publications could constitute any sort of harassment or intimidation of Muslims or Christians.

‘That there was no deliberate intention to offend is illustrated by the fact that the cartoons were posted only on the LSESU ASH page and not in other spaces. But even if some people are offended, offence is not a sufficient reason for certain artistic and satirical forms of expression to be prohibited. A university should hold no idea sacred and be open to the critiquing of all ideas and ideologies.

‘We want to engage with LSESU and work with them further to resolve the situation, but not in a way that jeopardises the legitimate criticism or satirising of religious and other beliefs. That is a freedom which is indispensable.’

To read the rest of the statement click here.

(Via Facebook Organising Group for 11 February rally)


5 responses to “It’s London School of Economic’s turn”

  1. Does anyone know who is on these Student Unions that they can issue diktats such as this?

    1. Lol, was too lazy to look. Found their site and emailed them about their support of censorship and suppression of free speech.

  2. Upright Ape Avatar
    Upright Ape

    Let it be known that today we, the atheists and secularists, are alone in our defense of freedom of expression. We have no allies today, no one is coming to our help as we take a stand for this basic human right. We have human dignity on our side and we will win. But others, who will benefit from the preservation of this right, should not forget our work.

    1. If we open the way, a lot of people will follow. We’ve just got to stand firm. To begin with maybe the half of us that keeps saying we shouldn’t be offensive and apologising can stop doing that. That should help.

    2. Well, actually, I’m not an atheist, and I support freedom of expression rather vigorously, including in this instance. Other free-speech lawyers and bloggers I know range from atheist to churchgoing. So this might be a little bit dramatic.

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