On 14 November 2011 Rozhin Mohammadi, a blogger and medical student at the Philippines Manila Medical School, was arrested at the airport upon her return to Iran; after 24 hours she was released on bail only to be rearrested on 21 November 2011 after three days of interrogation.  her laptop was also confiscated. She was then transferred to Evin ward 2A that is under the control of the Pasdaran Revolutionary Guards.

Rozhin was charged by Evin prison branch 3 prosecutor of attempting to set up gatherings to disturb the national security, propaganda against the regime and involvement in human rights activities. Thus far, Rozhin Mohammadi has been denied access to an attorney and also phone calls or visits with her family.

Please sign a petition to support Rozhin and demand her release.

Here is a Free Rozhin blog and a Facebook page in her defence.

We have to keep the pressure on and make sure she and others are not forgotten.

By the way, here is a video of some of the women political prisoners in Iran:

(Via Iman Shirali)



    1. I really don’t think it has anything to do with how they apply the rules of Shari or Islam. I assume the government has taken a chauvinistic approach from Islam ,and then implement it in a way that is more beneficiary for their own sake. This is another form of manipulation used by autocrat countries to maintain their illegitimate power. Obviously, the have no legal ground to incriminate this blogger, so shameless they have come up with this title that any sort of human rights statements is another form of Western propaganda.

      I hope people start realizing that these bunch of thugs are in any shapes or forms aspired by Islamic rules.

  1. Thanks for the info Maryam! I signed the petition and Faceb00ked it with this comment:

    “The arrest and imprisonment of political dissidents, human and womens’ rights activists is reprehensible and reflects very poorly upon the government and rulers of Iran! The world is watching the political elites of Iran and it will not forget!”

  2. Hang on, involvement in human rights activities is actually a listed crime? I gather that they’re not too fond of it in practice but I’d have expected it to have a euphamism for the crime like breach of the peace or something to at least try and make it look not evil

  3. *signed*

    Bunch of thugs.

    Here’s hoping things turn out alright for Rozhin Mohammadi. Just watched a stoning and my hands are shaking while typing this.

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