September 2012 is here. The photo for this month’s Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar .
Here’s what Emily said about the project:
– Why did you join the ‘Scream’ and Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar?
There are people who are actively trying to silence, shame, and control women, in this country and abroad. It is up to those of us who can make an impact, to do so.My involvement with this calendar has nothing to do with religion, other than it being a stand against those, this time in Islam, that wish to control women; it has everything to do with my values. I have no shame about my body, and this is a stand against those who fear & despise women and want them to be hidden in society. If it weren’t for people who took a strong stand against misogyny and for free-expression, we’d still be in an age where showing your ankles was taboo. Look to countries that still practice misogynistic practices, without opposition, they are successful at their attempts to bind and control women.
– Why nudity?
The assumption from many detractors of the #nudephotorevolutionary movement is that if one is nude, one is also lewd. This simply isn’t the case. Nude representations of the human form can be artistic and powerful, and the pose I have chosen is both. I don’t have a strong desire to hide my “naughty bits,” because to me, they aren’t “naughty.” Nudity is natural and normal and it’s only those that seek to control your minds and bodies that fear it. Our bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. We’re all naked, some of us just have clothes on. The only negative impact I foresee will be caused by judgmental and misogynistic people reinforcing stereotypes with crude comments- the very people that need to hear the message that women’s bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. This calendar is a tasteful, non-vulgar display of the beauty and strength of women united for free-expression and women’s rights.– Why do you think the calendar is important?
We’re currently facing waves of religious groups calling for ‘religious freedom,’ while trying to restrict everyone else from basic liberties. You can see this today with attacks by the religious ‘right’ against contraception, free-expression, sex-education, marriage equality, and valid science education. When religion attempts to infiltrate and rule our lives, we’re faced with standing up for our rights or letting theocratic rule control us.
Here’s some other things Emily has written on the calendar and nudity:
By the way, here is her censored photo for Facebook since it doesn’t allow nudity…
You can download the calendar or purchase it here and join the scream on Facebook or Tweet #NudePhotoRevolutionary Calendar.
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