Kafir Comedy Club

Hold this date all Kafir Comedy Club 29 November 2013 @ 7-9 PM Hosted by DJ Zee Jay & Maha Open mic comedy for interested…

Remembering Irtaza

Here’s my tribute to the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s young member and activist Irtaza Hussain who tragically committed suicide on 11 September. I gave…

Update on Nahla Mahmoud

As you know, following an interview on Channel 4 on Sharia law, Islamists threatened Sudanese secular campaigner and Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain Spokesperson Nahla Mahmoud with death, calling…

You better not touch him

The last email the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain received from 22 year old Imad Iddine Habib, the founder of the Council of Ex-Muslims of…

A few calls for help

Protest executions in Iran Kamil Alboshoka, a human geography student at Kingston University has asked that I publicise his campaign to defend 5 Ahwazi Arabs…

We can’t leave Islam? Watch us!

I was at Birmingham University yesterday speaking on apostasy and freedom of conscience for the Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society’s Reason Week. We had an…