Do you remember I posted a link to the Islamic Diversity Centre team where the women were all represented by one photo of the same woman in a niqab with only her eyes showing. Well, they have now removed the photo for the women on their team altogether. Much better!

(Via Anne Marie Waters)



  1. IDC does a lot of things, but the work can be broadly categorised into three areas: Working on the front line to ensure that as many people hear about the real message of Islam as possible… That still leaves the question of why we chose that image, rather than a picture of a rather lovely model, wearing a perfectly colour co-ordinated headscarf, with matching lip gloss… meek and oppressed victims, just waiting to be forced into marriage, or have their fingers cut off…

    Read IDC Volunteer Tim Humble’s response in full…

    Daniel (IDC).

  2. Hello. I’m Daniel Johnson from Islamic Diversity Centre in Newcastle Upon Tyne. The reason photos of our female volunteers were not included is purely one of security. Our female volunteers didn’t (quite understandably) want to risk being attacked by right wing bigots, who sadly are numerous in the North East of England. I suggest you guys read the articles on our websites (especially the ones by me). They are quite good.


    Daniel (the “one with the scraggly beard”).

    1. Oh, right. All these women feared being attacked by racists if they showied their faces, but nevertheless gave their full names, thus outing themselves to the possibility of attack by racists? Let’s say I’m a bit… sceptical.

      But it’s amusing that instead of one of the female volunteers, it’s a guy who shows up to explain. Which you did by pointing to a blog post by another guy.

      Interesting trend, that.

      But hey, it’s not as if someone here was putting words in your mouth, as you do in your second comment. “That still leaves the question of why we chose that image, rather than a picture of a rather lovely model, wearing a perfectly colour co-ordinated headscarf, with matching lip gloss… meek and oppressed victims, just waiting to be forced into marriage, or have their fingers cut off…”

      Nice imagery, here. And quite a pretty straw man, too.

      1. Filthy Arab dog. I would smash your face if I ever saw you IRL. I’m a hardcore racist and hate all Arabs. I hate you all.

        Real Iranians, 99% of Iranians HATE Arabs. FUCK YOU!

        1. Up to seventy million people died because of the “pro Aryan” racist hatred of the Third Reich. Some of the most courageous fighters against the misogynist mythology of Islam are Arab women.

          In the fight against the injustice and cruelty of religion we do not seek allies who are filled with hatred and bigotry. You are our enemies, not our allies.

          Go and peddle your destructive hatred elsewhere.

          1. Arab women are rats. I would punch one in the fucking face with pleasure. I don’t view Arabs as human. Real Iranians hate you and will ALWAYS hate you.

          2. Personally, I abhor the behaviours of the KKK and the Aryan Nation. A couple times in my life they have been the vane of my existence and I’m not Middle Eastern, but all American and the way this thread and another is going, I’m afraid to say why, even though it has nothing to do with any Middle Easterners, esp with a self-professed “hardcore racist” around.

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