The three young German and French FEMEN activists who protested topless at a Tunisian court in defence of Amina have been sentenced to four months in prison! According to an interview with one of their lawyers:

We knew that the maximum sentence was six months. The court in Tunis has not gone so far but has chosen a very heavy penalty, widely disproportionate to the facts. How to explain it? They probably wanted to condemn freedom of expression. Last week, the hearing was postponed under pressure of fifteen highly virulent conservative and Islamic associations. It is this pressure that may explain the severity of this judgement, which is a form of witchcraft trials, the offence of blasphemy.

Another lawyer said:

Heavy sentences for three European FEMEN activists is a bad sign for Amina. She did nothing, yet she faces up to twelve years in prison.”

Could this be?

It cannot and must not.

We must stand with Pauline, Margarite, Josephine and Amina until they are free.

If there is any justice, the four would be free and the Islamists who threaten and kill with impunity would be in prison.

FEMEN is collecting donations for the legal appeal; to help the parents of the three meet their daughters in jail; a permanent FEMEN observer in Tunis; for clothes and food for the four; a public campaign against Tunisian authorities…

Support the campaign and please donate here.

Amina represents me and us.


(Also read an interview with Amina’s father. You can use google translate to read it.)



  1. I noticed this the last time I wanted to contribute. There seems to be something wrong with the ‘sellers’ website.
    Can not connect with the FEMEN page through this blog. Am I paranoid to think that some spook like organization is preventing contributors from helping out?

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