‘Scholars’ at Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council have warned that allowing women to drive would bring about a surge in ‘corruption’, ‘homosexuality’ and ‘divorce’. It would also be the ‘end of virginity’.

Well then, drive they must.

(Via Mostafa Saber)





  1. Well, virginity is a very problematic and in my opinion deeply misogynistic social construct anyway. Freedom of movement, gay rights and the end of a patriarchal dogma then. What’s not to like about this?!

  2. I think they just haven’t updated their thinking since what people drove was a horse…

    I can’t see the link between *women* driving and homosexuality, though, since usually theocrats are focussed on male homosexuality…

  3. Oh noes! That will completely destroy the virgin trafficking trade! I can’t think of any other reason I should care.

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