The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s fifth anniversary celebration was absolutely fantastic. Here’s my speech.
Thank you for joining us on the fifth anniversary of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB).
People often ask why ex-Muslim?
Is it not an unnecessary provocation?
Provocation, yes, but unnecessary, no.
Islamists tell us this all the time. Don’t say you are an apostate, don’t invite others to apostasy and there need be no killings.
If anyone believes that – and trust me there are still people who do – then they still don’t know Islamism – this far-Right regressive movement…
They’ll say: don’t provoke. Don’t offend. Don’t criticise the veil, Sharia, Islam… and no one need get hurt.
But Islamists need no excuses.
If you’re a girl going to school in Afghanistan, you will have acid thrown in your face or be poisoned.
If you’re Hamza Kashgari in Saudi Arabia, you may face the death penalty for tweeting about Mohammad.
If you’re Hilath Rasheed in Maldives, you will have your throat cut for questioning Islam.
If you’re Alex Aan in Indonesia, you’ll face several years in prison for saying ‘there is no god’ on Facebook…
And 20 June is the anniversary that marks the slaughter of an entire generation in Iran. Many were killed after one minute ‘trials’ for responding ‘no’ to the question: ‘do you believe in god?’ Families were told to pay for the bullets that killed their loved ones before being given their bodies. Others were buried in mass graves.
Islamists need no excuses.
Of course, in a favourable climate of multiculturalism and cultural relativism – where are all values and beliefs are equal and equally valid – and for western public consumption, Islamists like to blame victims and dissenters for their barbarity.
We are the ‘aggressive atheists’ (compared at times with the Taliban no less) yet we are the ones who are being killed, imprisoned, threatened or forced to flee.
A lot of us can’t even say we are atheists/ex-Muslims, yet we are accused of denying people’s right to religion. Nonsense, we are fighting for a corresponding right to be free from religion. And any way, religion in the state, educational system and the Sharia ‘[in]justice system is not about a personal right to religion but about political power.
And this is a crucial point.
The Council of Ex-Muslims may be many things to many people. It may be a support system, via the Meet-up Group and Forum. It may be a helping hand to secure the right to asylum or find refuge and a safe home. For some it is important for its fight against multiculturalism and a false ‘homogeneous Muslim community’ or in defence of secularism and universal rights…
But first and foremost the CEMB is a challenge to political Islam. It is meant to shock and provoke.
Throughout history that is how barbarity has been pushed back – not by tiptoeing around it, accommodating it, appeasing it, tolerating it but by facing it head on.
Pragmatism never changed the world but we intend to.
Thank you.
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