Azerbaijan’s ‘Salman Rushdie’ murdered

Jahan News has gleefully reported that ‘Azerbaijan’s Salman Rushdie has been murdered’. The Islamic regime of Iran’s mouthpiece says writer Rafiq Tagi was despised by…

New 5 by 5 anti-veil movement in Iran

Today is the beginning of the anti-hejab 5 by 5 movement in Iran. As of today, every Thursday (Thursday is panjshnabeh in Persian and has…

They finally killed writer Rafiq Tagi

In 2006, Ayatollah Lankarani issued a death fatwa against Azerbaijani writer Rafiq Tagi for his writings. In 2007, a Baku court sentenced him to three…

This week’s Jinn and Tonic Show

I was a guest co-host on “The Jinn and Tonic show” on November 19th, 2011. The Jinn and Tonic Show is a bi-weekly live Internet…

She is… Blasphemy Day by Nesrine

Hassan Radwan just sent in the following translation – It’s not subtitled but this is my translation below – btw the narrator is Nesrin is…

I wish I were there with you

I wish I were there with you

A lawyer living in Iran sent in the below message when he found out about today’s seminar on Sharia and the Childrens Act. Whilst today’s…