
Tonight and nights before in various parts of Tehran there have been huge groups of people out in their neighbourhoods giving slogans ‘Down with Dictator,’ and ‘Free Political Prisoners,’ amongst others. Last night in Ekbatan, we received reports that the regime’s security agents attacked the protestors but the protestors stood their ground and the security forces had to back down. In Tajrish too last night on Mojdeh Street, hundreds had gathered. We have been told that these night protests are increasing and in the deprived areas of Tehran too. It has been reported that there are such night protests in so many neighbourhoods that you can hear slogans practically all the time whilst driving around Tehran.

Torture of imprisoned protestors

We have received a report saying that the prisoners are being brutally tortured with the aim to kill them. Also pressure is being exerted on some to go on television and confess to being led by foreign powers. The regime is also doing what was done in Latin America; those who are not known are being disappeared. One Evin prison guard has said that sections of the prison are only accessible to Baseeji and Pasdaran intelligence and that the cries coming from those sections are maddening. He has said that he has seen 10 bodies a day being taken to be buried in unmarked graves.

Letter from university professors

78 university professors in Iran have written an open letter condemning the attacks and violence against the universities. They have supported ‘the students in their struggle for freedom, equality, freedom of expression and democracy’ and have urged international organisations to call for the respect of human rights.

Mothers of the disappeared, killed and imprisoned

Today and every Saturday, grieving mothers gather in Laleh and other parks in order to bring attention to their plight; they want information on their children. They issued a press release calling on other mothers to join them. In last week’s gathering of 2,000 mothers, the regime’s security forces attacked them and beat some of them but the mothers refuse to back down. They will continue gathering every week.


The Islamic regime of Iran executed 20 people today, aged 35-48, in Rajaee Shahr prison early this morning.

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