Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

People of Marivan, Iran, stage a general strike against death sentences

Saturday, 12 January 2013

The people of Marivan, in the Kurdistan province in western Iran, have today staged a general strike to protest the death sentences against Zanyar and Loghman Moradi. The strike comes following a call for strike by the International Committee against Execution (ICAE) and the families of the Moradis and a worldwide campaign to stop the imminent execution of the two activists.

Zanyar and Loghman are two young cousins whose death sentences for alleged membership in opposition political organisations has been confirmed by the Islamic Republic’s judicial authorities.

According to our reports from Marivan, the city has ground to a halt, with shops closed in many parts. The strike call was for 3pm to 5pm local time, and despite the threats and intimidation by the regime’s security forces, the strike has gone ahead. All the main downtown streets and districts such as Jomhuri, Shahrak e San’ati, Resalat Boulevard, Jahad Square and the commercial centres and bazaars have shut down.

Also, following calls by ICAE and a number of other rights organisations, protests have today been held in cities across Europe, Canada, Turkey and Iraq.

This strike by the people of Marivan is an important watershed in the fight against executions and to save the lives of all those now on death row in Iran.

The International Committee against Execution sends its greetings to the courageous people of Marivan, to all those who have taken part in this magnificent action and to the hundreds of activists who in recent days tirelessly fought to make this general strike possible.

Further details of the strike and protests around the world will be issued in our next bulletin.

International Committee against Execution

Mina Ahadi
International Committee against Execution
International Committee against Stoning Tel: 0049 (0) 1775692413


6 responses to “People of Marivan, Iran, stage a general strike against death sentences”

  1. Priscilla Parker Avatar
    Priscilla Parker

    The letter Zanyar wrote is heartbreaking ( I hope the news of this protest lifted these young men’s hearts. I hate to say it but these situations there seem so hopeless.

  2. […] Namazie announces that there is a general strike in Iran to protest death sentences. So, in other words, Iranians are better human beings than most […]

  3. grumpyoldfart Avatar

    Will they be protesting next time a blasphemer gets the death sentence? I’ll they won’t.

    1. What do you mean? The two youth are charged with enmity against god and corruption on earth. Is that not good enough for you? There is a strange trend amongst some readers to denigrate any protest taking place in the Middle East and North Africa as not good enough… Why? It beats me.

  4. Recently, the Iranian Supreme Court has upheld the death sentences of two Kurdish political prisoners, local sources told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. Prison authorities from Rajaee Shahr Prison allegedly told Zanyar Moradi and Loghman Moradi that their death sentences were upheld.

    On 22 December 2010, Judge Salavati of Branch 15 of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court sentenced the two Kurdish prisoners to a public hanging on the charges of “moharebeh” (enmity with God) and “murder of the son of Marivan’s Friday Imam.”

    A re-trial perhaps. Go(o)d, I put the (o) to remind us all that go(o)d is good and nothing less. Go(o)d is universal like water, air and wisdom. Go(o)d is also constant, consistent and eternal. It’s only interpretations that vary.

    Some people, who have made universally go(o)d interpretations are Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and the Dalai Lama. What would they do, I wonder. Would they say that go(o)d would be so upset by people’s enmity towards him that he demand a life as justice? The gallows may be busy.

    Thou shall not kill is another interpretation. If you kill in retribution, the victim losses the opportunity to show forgiveness and it’s healing properties. Which is more powerful in go(o)d, forgiveness or revenge and killing.

    Killing can have an insatiable nature. Go(o)d as in go(o)d enough, is immediately satiated. Justice like go(o)d is innate. If these young people are guilty, they have made their own prison and even life will be a punishment. If not then life is still the justice of go(o)d.

    Regardless of our determinations and interpretations, may go(o)d’s justice prevail for everyone’s peace of mind.

    Also I noted in the article that the towns persons believe that these immature young men are innocent…

    Peace and life

    Be go(o)d everyone.

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