Saturday, 12 January 2013
The people of Marivan, in the Kurdistan province in western Iran, have today staged a general strike to protest the death sentences against Zanyar and Loghman Moradi. The strike comes following a call for strike by the International Committee against Execution (ICAE) and the families of the Moradis and a worldwide campaign to stop the imminent execution of the two activists.
Zanyar and Loghman are two young cousins whose death sentences for alleged membership in opposition political organisations has been confirmed by the Islamic Republic’s judicial authorities.
According to our reports from Marivan, the city has ground to a halt, with shops closed in many parts. The strike call was for 3pm to 5pm local time, and despite the threats and intimidation by the regime’s security forces, the strike has gone ahead. All the main downtown streets and districts such as Jomhuri, Shahrak e San’ati, Resalat Boulevard, Jahad Square and the commercial centres and bazaars have shut down.
Also, following calls by ICAE and a number of other rights organisations, protests have today been held in cities across Europe, Canada, Turkey and Iraq.
This strike by the people of Marivan is an important watershed in the fight against executions and to save the lives of all those now on death row in Iran.
The International Committee against Execution sends its greetings to the courageous people of Marivan, to all those who have taken part in this magnificent action and to the hundreds of activists who in recent days tirelessly fought to make this general strike possible.
Further details of the strike and protests around the world will be issued in our next bulletin.
International Committee against Execution
Mina Ahadi
International Committee against Execution
International Committee against Stoning Tel: 0049 (0) 1775692413
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