A warning to European Secularists

European Secularists are quick to say Egypt has “turned out exactly as they predicted” even whilst Egyptians continue to battle the Islamists on the streets.…

A victory for women!?

Have you seen the new Egyptian channel called Maria where women must all wear the niqab and full Islamic veil to work there? An Islamic…

Actually it’s the same old same old

The Muslim Brotherhood has hailed Morsi’s narrow win of Egypt’s presidential election as the ‘start of a new era‘. It’s actually same old same old.…

Women cane morality police

Islamists have been harassing shop owners and female customers in rural towns around Egypt for ‘indecent behaviour’ and enforcing Sharia law. Shop owners have been…

Some women are deficient in intelligence…

Mona Salah, an Egyptian parliament candidate for the Islamist Salafi Movement told Al-Sharq Alawsat (an Egyptian newspaper) ‘Women are deficient in mind and religion’* and are…