Tag: executions
Broadcast the news of executions in Iran too!
An open letter from the International Committee against Execution to Walter Steinmeier, the Foreign Affairs Minister of Germany Dear Mr. Steinmeier, please broadcast this news as well! In the German news media and many news programs of major networks, there is a lot of talk about the negotiations of the “Five plus One” group with…
Don’t let them murder us
“This is my last appeal to you: The prison guards are right behind the door. They have come to take us. Be the voice of our suppressed voice! Don’t let them murder us.” These were the last words Mina Ahadi heard from a prisoner on death row in Rajaaishahr prison. She heard the guards raid…
Rouhani smiles abroad whilst executions stepped up in Iran
Whilst Rouhani smiles abroad, executions have been stepped up in Iran according to Mina Ahadi and the International Committee against Execution. Since the election at least 213 prisoners have been executed. 27 were executed in the past two weeks. There are plans to execute 26 political prisoners imminently. Rouhani was quoted saying he wanted to…
Guardian’s all excited again
The Guardian is all excited about the “election” of Hassan Rowhani in Iran. They think (and there is some truth in it) that we are afflicted with (even recent) historical amnesia. They did the same song and dance for Rafsanjani and Khatami and now Rowhani. Whilst the regime has stepped up its executions in order…
Time to say goodbye to executions
I have not been able to blog for the past ten days and have much to write about. Most urgently I must tell you about the International Committee against Execution’s call for a two week campaign against executions in Iran during 22 July – 5 August 2013. You can see Mina Ahadi’s report on the…
Not one more execution
Don’t forget that today is the international day of protest against executions and for the release of political prisoners in Iran. Join this day of protest to bring attention to and stop the state-sponsored killings. Write protest letters, join actions and rallies in your city of residence, or carry out acts of solidarity… anything that…
24 November: International Day of Protest against tsunami of executions in Iran
In another tsunami of executions, the Islamic regime of Iran has executed 57 people in the last two weeks. On 11 November, we received news that 35 people had been executed in Vakilabad Prison in Mashad, including a 21 year old and 4 Afghans (one of whom was a human rights campaigner). On 13 November,…