Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Guardian’s all excited again

The Guardian is all excited about the “election” of Hassan Rowhani in Iran. They think (and there is some truth in it) that we are afflicted with (even recent) historical amnesia. They did the same song and dance for Rafsanjani and Khatami and now Rowhani.

Whilst the regime has stepped up its executions in order to stifle dissent and the exploding anti-Islamic backlash, the Guardian-ites celebrate Rowhani who by the way just introduced his cabinet – which wait for it – includes Ali Younesi – who was head of intelligence for another “reformer” Khatami and who was involved in the executions of 1362 (1980s). A group of international judges has found the regime guilty of crimes against humanity during that period.

Of course Rowhani and his cabinet reads like a most wanted list but what does the Guardian care? “Reformer” is all they want to hear though reform is meant to have real meaning in the real world. Maybe they can write an article about the reforms we can expect. Same old, same old doesn’t reform make.

As I’ve said before, call them “reformers”, call them “conservatives”, call them anything you want. It doesn’t change the facts.


They – all of them – shouldn’t be “elected” or celebrated but prosecuted.

And in time, they will be….




2 responses to “Guardian’s all excited again”

  1. As a lifelong Guardian reader, I’m becoming ashamed of the newspaper I used to see as a beacon of good politics. It is guilty of the worst offence a journalist can commit: dishonesty.

    The Guardian supports the spread of religious fundamentalism by pretending it is normal, for example describing the hijab as “basic Muslim head covering” and a “standard headscarf”.

    That is dishonest. The hijab is not “standard”. It is becoming more common as peer pressure increases on muslim women to conform to islamic rules (of which dress code is the most visible to outsiders). Tacit support by supposed liberals discourages those who try to resist. Why is the Guardian spreading the view that laws supporting secularism are an attack on freedom?

    The same news story says “a police identity check on a French woman wearing a niqab, or full-face Muslim veil, raised questions about Nicolas Sarkozy’s controversial 2011 law banning the niqab from public places.”

    No, it didn’t raise questions about the law. But this does raise questions about the Guardian’s slanted news reporting.

  2. Comtessa de Metoncula Avatar
    Comtessa de Metoncula

    What a bunch of bloody Clowns and I am being nice!

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