Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Tag: Iran

  • Azar Majedi and Homa Arjomand’s Islamist Propaganda and Morality

    Azar Majedi and Homa Arjomand’s Islamist Propaganda and Morality

    By Maryam Namazie Azar Majedi and Homa Arjomand’s recent criticisms of feminists, secularists and ex-Muslims under the guise of defending the Palestinian people are worrying given their use of Islamist and pro-Islamist Left propaganda. Their statement ‘Genocide in Gaza: Where does the Women’s Rights Movement stand?’ rightly condemns genocide but has not one word condemning…

  • Topless action in Cologne in support of Iran’s women’s revolution

    ما، زنان آزاده، از انقلاب زنانه‌ در ایران علیه جمهوری اسلامی و برای زن، زندگی، آزادی امروز در کلن اعتراض برهنه‌ داشتیم. بدن مان فولاد آبدیده شده علیه بیش از ۴۰ سال ضرب و شتم، تجاوز، سنگسار، شکنجه، اعدام، اسید پاشی، تبعیض، لکد مال شدن و خشونت است بدنمان اسلحه مان است برای رهایی و…

  • #Iran regime referred to International Criminal Court for its war crimes in #Syria

    FARSI BELOW   #Iran regime referred to International Criminal Court for its war crimes in #Syria, published in Persian in Journal   Iran Human Rights Documentation Center and UK barrister Haydee Dijkstal have filed a request to the International Criminal Court to open an examination into the Islamic regime of Iran’s role in war crimes…

  • If anyone has to apologise, it’s you Masih Alinejad ک اگر قرار است کسی عذرخواهی کند شما هستید خانم مسیح علینژاد

    If anyone has to apologise, it’s you Masih Alinejad ک اگر قرار است کسی عذرخواهی کند شما هستید خانم مسیح علینژاد

    FARSI BELOW If anyone has to apologise, it’s you Masih Alinejad, Maryam Namazie In her recent Voice of America Tablet programme, Masih Alinejad makes the claim that the 1979 (1357) generation is to blame for the Islamic regime of Iran. She says: “…Those who took an active part in the revolution” “must all one day be…

  • #No2CompulsoryVeiling #نه_به_حجاب_اجباری

    #No2CompulsoryVeiling #نه_به_حجاب_اجباری

    On December 27, we remember courage of Vida Movahed, girls of Revolution Street and 4 decades of struggle against compulsory veiling laws in #Iran. A liberation movement that is nightmare of regime and source of pride for us all. There is no veiling without compulsion and the #veil is more than a piece of cloth…

  • Iran: She wants to ride a bike – simple
  • First Online Protest to Save the Life of Atheist Soheil Arabi

    First Online Protest to Save the Life of Atheist Soheil Arabi

    A three-hour online protest took place on 4 April reaching out to thousands on social media to highlight the urgent plight of Soheil Arabi in prison in Iran since 2013. Arabi was initially sentenced to death for “insulting the prophet.” He was eventually acquitted of this charge and his sentence reduced on appeal to seven…

  • Defend Protests in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon

    Farsi, Arabic and French translations below. Nationwide protests in Iran against a 50% fuel price hike over the last few days has seen widespread suppression by the Islamic regime of Iran’s security forces leaving at least 200 dead, hundreds injured and over a thousand arrested. The use of overwhelming force by security forces has been…

  • پریود_طبیعی_است# #PeriodsAreNatural

    پریود_طبیعی_است# #PeriodsAreNatural

    English Below اعتراض روز جهانی زن پریود_طبیعی_است# در میان گروه ارتدوکس‌های یهودی، در دوران عادت ماهانه زن، مرد و زن حق دست زدن یا رد و بدل کردن هیچ گونه اشیا را به هم ندارند در بخشی از بودایی‌های ژاپنی زنان که عادت ماهانه دارند اجازه ورود به معبد را ندارند در هندویسم زنان در…

  • Secularism is my right; freedom is my culture سكولاريسم حق من؛ آزادى فرهنگ من

    Secularism is my right; freedom is my culture سكولاريسم حق من؛ آزادى فرهنگ من

    Secularism is my right; freedom is my culture سكولاريسم حق من؛ آزادى فرهنگ من Maryam Namazie’s Freedom Lecture at De Balie, Amsterdam سخنرانى مريم نمازى در ده بالى آمستردام

  • Free Baquer Namazi now

    Free Baquer Namazi now

    Baquer Namazi is an 80 years old children’s rights campaigner. He has been sentenced to ten years in prison by the Islamic regime of Iran. He was arrested when he went to visit his son Siamak. Their “crime” is that they are dual nationals being held hostage by the Iranian regime. February 22 is one…

  • When I left Iran

    When I left Iran

    The below is the unedited piece for #Iamamigrant campaign. I left Iran in 1980 with my mother to go to India to continue my education after my school closed down. My mother was meant to settle me in and return but stayed when things got worse. After a few months, my father and 3 year…