As you know, One Law for All has recently been involved in campaigning to defend freedom of expression, both here and abroad. We will continue to do so. Not only is there a moral imperative to defend free expression, but it is precisely this vital right that is under attack by Islamists all over the world as they attempt to frighten people into silence and prevent any discussion of Islam or sharia.

Sharia Law and Human Rights: Take Two at Queen Mary College

In January, my own speech on ‘Sharia law and human rights’ at Queen Mary was cancelled by the organisers following Islamist threats. This was followed by various motions being passed at other universities cracking down on ‘Islamophobic speech’. We are therefore pleased to report that the cancelled Queen Mary talk has been rescheduled and will take place at the Skeel Lecture Theatre, Francis Bancroft Building, Queen Mary, University of London, E1 4NS. Both Maryam Namazie and I will be speaking from 7pm on Wednesday 14th March. Please note that anyone attending the event who is not a student or staff of QM must register in order to be admitted into the event.

International Day of Action to Defend Blasphemers and Apostates

On 14 March, we are also calling on people and organisations all over the world to stand with us in defence of those who risk their lives because of their expression. We are asking people to take action by organising a protest or vigil, writing letters, making a video – or any other action – defending 10 cases whose lives and freedoms are at risk such as those of Hamza Kashgari of Saudi Arabia charged with blasphemy for tweeting about Mohammad and women’s status, Alex Aan of Indonesia charged with blasphemy for saying there is no god on Facebook, Asia Bibi of Pakistan sentenced to death for blasphemy for ‘insulting Mohammad’, and others listed here. You can join its Facebook Page here. Their lives depend on us standing up for their rights and we must continue to do so.

Other events in the upcoming months

In the upcoming weeks I will also be speaking at a Kent Critical Law Society Conference on Sharia law and Maryam will be joining a panel discussion on free speech, multiculturalism and Islam with the Director of the critically acclaimed DV8 Physical Theatre production ‘Can We Talk About This?’ showing now at the National Theatre. Full details of this and other events can be found here.

We want to thank you once again for your support and donations since our last letter. Please help us to continue our essential work. To donate to the work of One Law for All, please either send a cheque made payable to One Law for All to BM Box 2387, London WC1N 3XX, UK or pay via Paypal. We need regular support and also for supporters to commit to giving at least £5-10 a month via direct debit. You can find out more about how to join the 100 Club here.

If you shop online, please do so via the Easy Fundraising’s website. It won’t cost you anything extra but can help raise much needed funds for One Law for All.

Very best wishes,
Anne Marie Waters
One Law for All
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731



  1. You and your cause (my cause as well, I am a non practicing moslem) is one of utter courage and truth. I pray that Allah protect you and your ultimate success. I will gladly contribute to such a worthy project in the form of a donation immediately (I live in the USA).

  2. I think Thunderf00t did a great job in his latest video of outlining this sentiment. He had some choice words for religion; it was pretty epic.

    We have to fight it. The idiocy that is religion is a millstone around our collective necks.

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