How dare you not defend Alex!

In a letter to the editor in the latest edition of the National Secular Society’s very excellent Newsline, Raymond Carlise writes: I have considered Edward…

The courage to think

Over one hundred people joined the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s hugely successful 5th anniversary celebration luncheon in London on 23 June 2012. Guests heard…

There is some sanity after all

A German court has said that a child’s right to physical integrity trumps religious and parental rights in a case involving a doctor who carried…

Actually it’s the same old same old

The Muslim Brotherhood has hailed Morsi’s narrow win of Egypt’s presidential election as the ‘start of a new era‘. It’s actually same old same old.…

I could have told you that for free

Did you hear about Islington social services paying over £8,000 for a consultant to travel to Africa to investigate whether they should send a boy…

An unnecessary provocation?

The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s fifth anniversary celebration was absolutely fantastic. Here’s my speech. Thank you for joining us on the fifth anniversary of…